bed and breakfast
uk/ˌbed ən ˈbrek.fəst/us/ˌbed ən ˈbrek.fəst/(abbreviationB and B);(B & B)aroomtosleepin for thenightand amorningmeal, or aprivatehouseorsmallhotelofferingthis:
(私人住宅或小旅馆提供的)住宿和早餐There are severalbedandbreakfastplacesnear thestation.车站附近有几个提供住宿和早餐的地方。
We'restayingat afarmthatdoesbedandbreakfast.我们住在一家提供住宿和早餐的农庄里。
Can yourecommenda goodbedandbreakfastnear Brighton?你能为我推荐一家布赖顿附近提供住宿和早餐的旅馆吗?
Hotels & hostels
- aparthotel
- bed and board
- bellhop
- bellman
- breakfast bar
- check in/check intosomething
- commissionaire
- concierge
- desk
- guesthouse
- inn
- motor inn
- proprietress
- receptionist
- ride
- single room
- twin-bedded
- two-star
- upgrade
- valet