abookwith alistof all thegoodsthat you canbuyfrom ashop:

Hanna Siamashka/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
alistof all thebooks,paintings, etc. thatexistin aplace
(某处书籍、绘画作品等的)目录- Do you oftenbuygoodsfrom mail-order catalogues?
- Ourautumncatalogue is nowavailablefromourusualstockists.
- Granddad wasbrowsingthrough aseedandplantcatalogue.
- I'vesentoff for a catalogue, as I can't get in totheirCambridgeshopnowadays.
- If youordergoodsfrom the catalogue, they usuallyarrivewithin theweek.
Lists and catalogues
- agenda
- archivist
- bibliographical
- birthday honours
- bucket list
- hit list
- honor roll
- honours list
- indices
- inventory
- recital
- roll of honour
- roster
- rota
- the S&P 500
- the White Pages
- wedding list
- whitelist
- wish list
- word list
cataloguenoun(BAD EVENTS)
A catalogue ofunwantedeventsis aseriesof them:
一系列,一连串(坏事情)Thewholeholidaywasa catalogue ofdisasters.整个假期祸事接二连三。
a catalogue oferrors/crimes/complaints一连串的错误/罪行/抱怨
Order and sequence - general words
- alphabetize
- around
- back end
- be a chapter of accidentsidiom
- chain reaction
- chapter
- cycle
- linearity
- linearly
- litany
- merry-go-round
- next
- procession
- secondly
- sequence
- sequencing
- sequent
- string
- train
- wave
uk/ˈkæt.əl.ɒɡ/us/ˈkæt̬.əl.ɑːɡ/torecordsomething,especiallyin alist:
记录;将…编入目录Manyplantsbecomeextinctbefore they haveevenbeen catalogued.许多植物甚至还没来得及编入目录就已经灭绝了。
Classifying and creating order
- alphabetize
- anti-hierarchical
- arrange
- arrangement
- arranger
- array
- bracket
- lay
- misclassify
- miscode
- mislabel
- misorder
- multisystem
- nest
- setsomethingup
- shake
- shakesomeonedown
- short-list
- shortlist
- sort