languagespecializeduk/kəˈtæf.ər.ə/us/kəˈtæf.ər.ə/the use ofcataphors(= words that refer to andreplaceother words usedlaterin atext):
指后照应词的使用Anexampleof cataphora would be: "If youwantsome, there'scoffeein thepot."这是一个使用指后照应词的例子:“如果你想喝点(咖啡),壶里有咖啡。”
- Theinterestliesin thewriters'selectionofpronouns, either he or they in anaphora, or he/they/those in cataphora.
- Thepersonalpronounshe and they are themajorvariantsin cataphora in the 16thcentury.
- Cataphora isparticularlycommoninformalcontexts, using anexpressionsuch as "this" or "thefollowing".
- These areinstancesof cataphora, where thefullreferentisintroducedin afollowingclause.
Linguistic terms & linguistic style
- affricate
- allophone
- allophony
- anaphor
- anaphora
- chatty
- colloquial
- double entendre
- downtoner
- emphatic
- entailment
- etymological
- etymologically
- flowery
- oxymoron
- philological
- polysemy
- portmanteau word
- prescriptivism
- prescriptivist