UK(alsobed blocking)uk/ˈbedˌblɒk.ɪŋ/us/ˈbedˌblɑː.kɪŋ/thesituationwhen someone, usually anolderperson, is using abedin ahospital,althoughthey nolongerneed to be there, because they do not haveanywhereelseto go where they can becaredforsafely:
(因患者如出院即无处接受护理而造成的)床位封锁Bed-blockingoccursbecause of thelackofsupportsystemsin thecommunity.出现床位封锁的原因是缺乏社区支持系统。
Thegovernmentallocatedanextra£60m toreducebedblockingbyprovidingadditionalsocialservices.政府通过增加拨付6千万英镑提供额外的社区服务来减少床位封锁。
- The firstreasonhementionsfor bed-blocking is thatpatients, ortheirrelatives, do notacceptthe firstofferof aresidentialplaceif it is toofaraway.
- Theplanpledgesto getridof bed-blocking byimprovingintermediatecare.
- Thewholenotionofbedblockingseemstoimplythatolderpeopleenterhospitaland thenwilfullycontinuetooccupyabedwhich, in theviewsofstaff, they nolongerrequire.
Medical treatment: treating & caring for people
- aggressively
- bed blocker
- birth tourism
- bring
- bringsomeonearound
- clinic
- logrolling
- look aftersomeone/something
- medical tourism
- minister
- minister tosomeone
- nurse
- patch
- respite care
- self-care
- setsomethingup
- soother
- takesomethingin
- tend
- treat