used inquestionsandnegativestomean"apersonorpeople":
(用于疑问句和否定句中)有人,任何人I haven'tspokento anyone allday.我一整天都没跟任何人说句话。
I haven't told anyone.我没有告诉任何人。
Was there anyone youknewat themeeting?开会的人你有认识的吗?
Has anyoneseenmyglassesanywhere?有谁在哪儿看到我的眼镜了吗?
anypersonor anypeople:
随便哪个人Anyone can go - you don't have to beinvited.谁都可以去,用不着邀请。
Anyone coulddresswell with all thatmoney.有了那些钱谁都可以穿得衣冠楚楚。
- She neverconsidersanyone but herself - she'stotallyselfish!
- He used tolockhimself in hisbedroomforhourson end andrefusetotalkto anyone.
- Whyeverwould anyoneeverwanttohurther?
- Iexitedquicklybefore anyone couldseeme.
- Has anyoneseenmykeyslyingabout?
Someone, anyone, no one or everyone
- across-the-board
- all and sundryidiom
- all comers
- anybody
- everybody
- man
- nobody
- non-universal
- one and allidiom
- one-size-fits-all
- pan
- people
- S, s
- sundry
- to a manidiom
- Tom, Dick, and Harry
- universal
- universality
- whole
- world
Anyone, anybody and anything are indefinite pronouns. We use anyone, anybody and anything to refer to both an open, unlimited set of things or people and specific things or people. We use them with a singular verb:…Anyoneandanybody
Anyone and anybody have no difference in meaning. Anybody is a little less formal than anyone. Anyone is used more in writing than anybody:…Idiom
anyone who is/was anyone