used inquestionsandnegativestomean"something":
(用于疑问句或否定句中)任何事物,任何东西Is there anything I can do tohelp?有什么地方我可以帮忙的吗?
Was there anythingelseyouwantedto say or is that it?你还有什么要说的吗?还是就到此为止?
Do you have anything lessexpensive?你们还有没有便宜些的?
Let meknowif anythinghappens, won't you?发生什么事就告诉我,好吗?
I didn'tknowanything aboutcomputerstill Istartedthisjob.在开始这项工作以前,我对电脑一无所知。
I waslookingfor abirthdaypresentfor mymotherbut I didn'tfindanythingsuitable.我一直留意要给母亲买件生日礼物,可一件合适的也没有看到。
Did younoticeanythingstrangeabout him?你注意到他有什么异样的地方吗?
SpendingChristmaswith him and hisbrother- I can'timagineanythingworse!跟他兄弟俩一起过圣诞节?我可想象不出比这更糟糕的事了!
If heeatsanything withwheatin it he's verysick.他吃任何含有小麦的食物,都会很不舒服。
"What did you do over theweekend?" "I don'tthinkwe did anything much."“你们周末干什么了?”“什么也没干。”
- There was so muchcloud, we couldn'tseeanything.
- Did anything come of all thosejobapplications?
- You didn't do anythingwrong, - you should have aclearconscience.
Something, anything, nothing, and everything
- across-the-board
- aught
- bazillion
- bubkes
- caboodle
- fresh
- matter
- none
- not a dicky birdidiom
- not a sausageidiom
- not/nothing muchidiom
- nowt
- sweet
- sweet fanny adamsidiom
- the whole bitidiom
- what with one thing and anotheridiom
- whatevs
- whit
- zero
- zip
anythingpronoun(ANY OBJECT/SITUATION)
anyevent,act,object, orsituation:
无论什么东西;随便什么事情He said I couldorderanything on themenu.他说菜单上的东西我可以随便点。
She could be anything(= anyage)between30and40.她的年龄介于30到40岁之间。
- Wechristenedhim 'Slowcoach' because he took solongto do anything.
- They're notfabulouslyrichor anything, but they'requitecomfortable.
Something, anything, nothing, and everything
- across-the-board
- aught
- bazillion
- bubkes
- caboodle
- fresh
- matter
- none
- not a dicky birdidiom
- not a sausageidiom
- not/nothing muchidiom
- nowt
- sweet
- sweet fanny adamsidiom
- the whole bitidiom
- what with one thing and anotheridiom
- whatevs
- whit
- zero
- zip
Anyone, anybody and anything are indefinite pronouns. We use anyone, anybody and anything to refer to both an open, unlimited set of things or people and specific things or people. We use them with a singular verb:…Anyoneandanybody
Anyone and anybody have no difference in meaning. Anybody is a little less formal than anyone. Anyone is used more in writing than anybody:…Idioms
anything but
anything like
as... as anything
for anything (in the world)