to make theloudnoisetypicalof adonkey(= ananimallike asmallhorsewithlongears):
to make aloud,unpleasantnoise:
(驴)叫;发出似驴叫的声音They were all braying withlaughter.
"Come on,England!" he brayed.
She had aloud, brayinglaugh.她发出响亮刺耳的笑声。
Animal (non-human) sounds
- baa
- bark
- bleat
- buzzy
- caterwauling
- chatter
- cockcrow
- coo
- cry
- hee-haw
- honk
- howling
- miaow
- peep
- purr
- quack
- squeak
- trill
- trumpet
- warble
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Shouting & screaming
Ways of speaking
Describing qualities of the human voice
uk/breɪ/us/breɪ/thenoisemade by adonkey(= ananimallike ahorsewithlongears), or aloud,unpleasantnoisesimilarto this:
In thedistancetheyseetheglowof thecampfiresandheartheoccasionalbray of amule.
Quitesuddenlyandunexpectedly, theoldermanletout a bray oflaughter.
- Thefamiliarbray of Peregrine'svoicecould beheard.
- Theloudestnoiseon thefarmislikelyto come from a donkey's bray or theclankingofcattlebells.
- Thehomecrowdgreetedhisgoalattemptwithdonkeybrays.
Animal (non-human) sounds
- baa
- bark
- bleat
- buzzy
- caterwauling
- chatter
- cockcrow
- coo
- cry
- hee-haw
- honk
- howling
- miaow
- peep
- purr
- quack
- squeak
- trill
- trumpet
- warble