lawspecializeduk/əˈpel.ənt/us/əˈpel.ənt/someone who isinvolvedin making alegalappeal(= arequestto alegalcourtorauthoritytochangeapreviousdecision):
Mostappealsweresimplydismissedbecause the appellant had notfollowedtheproperprocedure.
At hisoriginaltrial, the appellant wasconvictedon five of the sevencounts.
- Thecourtfindsthat the appellant is notentitledtoalimonyin thiscase.
- She has recused herself from a decision-makingrolein theprocess, since as aprivateattorneysheadvisedsome of the appellants.
- There was alaw, which has since beenrepealed, thatrequiredappellants incriminalcasesto bedetainedinjailat thetimetheirappealswerefiled.
People appearing in court
- amicus
- appearance
- co-defendant
- defence
- defendant
- eyewitness
- flight risk
- Jane Doe
- John Doe
- respondent
- suspect
- the accused
- undertrial
- V, v
- versus
- witness