informaluk/ˈkætʃ.ʌp/us/ˈkætʃ.ʌp/catchupnoun(WITH NEWS, LEVEL)
ameetingorconversationin whichpeoplediscusswhat hashappenedsince the lasttimethat theymet:
(谈论上次会面后事务进展的)更新会议I'mseeingmybossfor a catch-up nextweek.下星期我会和上司见面开个更新会。
Whether it's an after-workdinner, a catchupwithfriendsorfamily, or aromanticmealfor two, thisrestauranthas what you need.无论是下班后的晚餐,与朋友或家人碰头,还是浪漫的双人餐,这家餐厅都能满足你的需求。
theprocessofreachingthe samestandard,stage, orlevelas someone or somethingelse:
Thesecompanieshave a lot of catch-up to do, andwholeproductlinestoreplacewithmoderntechnology.
This is a muchneededcatch-up afteryearsof underinvestment.
play catch-up
totrytoreachthe samestandard,stage, orlevelasothersafter you havefallenbehind them:
追赶Theyracedaheadinto newmarkets,leavingothercompaniestoplaycatch-up.他们率先跑入了新市场,把其它公司抛在后面追赶。
Englandhad toplaycatchup,twiceovercomingone-goaldeficits.英国不得不奋起直追,两次追平了一分的落后。
- Are youguysfreefor a catchup onFriday?
- We need to get together and have a catch-upsoon.
- Much of thebigriseinunemploymentismerelya catchup to where it would have beenheadingall along.
- While there is nodoubtthat thepercapitaincomesof theHispaniccommunitystillfallfarbehind those ofwhites, severalstudiesshow catchup takingplaceas thecommunitygrowsandbecomesmorediverse.
- Thecoreissueis how topromote"achievementcatch-up" forminorityand low-incomestudents.
Communicating & keeping in touch
- backchannel
- bell
- call back
- callsomeoneup
- check in
- communication
- communicator
- correspond
- drop
- hear
- liaison
- mute
- pick up the phoneidiom
- propagation
- radio silence
- rapporteur
- reach out (tosomeone)
- recontact
- touch
- transmit
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Increasing and intensifying
Being or appearing similar or the same
Competing and contending (non-sporting)
Competing in sport
→catch-up TV:
同catch-up TVYou canwatchit on catch-up.你可以看电视节目补看。
Broadcasting: television
- aerial
- autotune
- best boy
- boob tube
- breakfast television
- broadcast
- gaffer
- ghost image
- goggle-box
- HD
- plasma screen
- receiver
- reveal
- shopping channel
- shout-out
- smart TV
- square-eyed
- sweep
- the small screen
(ketchup的另一种拼法)Theburgerhas catchup andmustard.汉堡里加了番茄酱和芥末。
Sauces, dressings, dips & pickles
- aioli
- aji
- Alfredo
- apple sauce
- arrowroot
- Cumberland sauce
- custard
- custard powder
- dashi
- deglaze
- mango chutney
- marinade
- mayo
- mayonnaise
- mezze
- salsa
- sambal
- scalloped
- soy sauce
- sriracha
adjective[before noun]
uk/ˈkætʃ.ʌp/us/ˈkætʃ.ʌp/used todescribesomething thathelpsyoureachthe samestandard,stage, orlevelasothers, usually after you havemissedsomething such aslessonsoropportunitiestopractise:
补交的(钱);补上的(课)If there is ashortfall, you may berequiredto makeheftycatch-uppayments.如果有亏空,你可能被要求支付高额的补交款。
See also
catch-up TV
- The catch-upprogrammewasintroducedin 2001, whenpupilswho wereperformingbelownationalstandardsat 11 were givenextralessons.
- Wewanttoencourageformerfemaleemployeesto come back to us andofferthem catchuptraining.
- Districts also haveexperimentedwithextendedschooldaysand catchupcoursesforlaggingstudents.
- There will beregularfeedbackand catch-upsessions.
Competing and contending (non-sporting)
- be one up onsomeoneidiom
- bid
- cat
- chancer
- close-run
- competition
- competitive
- contest
- dare
- go toe to toeidiom
- hyper-competitive
- in the gameidiom
- intercollegiate
- jostle
- runners and ridersidiom
- showing
- slugfest
- snap atsomeone'sheelsidiom
- super-competitive
- toe
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Ways of achieving things