blue ribbon
uk/ˌbluː ˈrɪb.ən/us/ˌbluː ˈrɪb.ən/(UKalsoblue riband)
thehighestprizein acompetitionorevent:
(竞赛最高奖励的)蓝绶带奖Hewonthe men's blue-ribbonevent, the 100metresfreestyle.他赢得了焦点大战男子100米自由泳比赛的冠军。

jarenwicklund/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
adecorationmade ofstripsofbluecloththat is given to thewinnerof acompetition
(颁给比赛获胜者的)蓝绶带Prizes, rewards and medals
- (the/a pot of gold at) the end of the rainbowidiom
- Academy Award
- award
- bemedalled
- booby prize
- bronze
- bronze medal
- gong
- grab bag
- Grammy
- handsomethingout
- honour
- platinum disc
- prize
- Pulitzer Prize
- Purple Heart
- rainbow
- stake
- the golden boot
- the wooden spoon