uk/blʌf/us/blʌf/todeceivesomeone by making themthinkeither that you are going to do something when you really have nointentionof doing it, or that you haveknowledgethat you do not really have, or that you are someoneelse:
虚张声势;吓唬Is he going tojumpor is he only bluffing?他是真要跳还是只是吓唬人?
Tonyseemstoknowa lot aboutmusic, but sometimes Ithinkhe's only bluffing.托尼似乎对音乐很了解,但有时我觉得他只是在装样子。
She bluffed thedoormanintothinkingthat she was areporter.她装模作样让门卫以为她是记者。
bluffyourway into/out ofsomething
If you bluffyourway into or out of asituation, you get yourself into or out of it bydeceivingpeople:
蒙混过关How did Minamanageto bluff her way into thatjob?米娜究竟是怎样蒙混过关得到那份工作的?
Faking & pretending
- affect
- air guitar
- assume
- believe
- changeling
- charlatan
- cry
- false
- false modesty
- falsifiable
- falsify
- feign
- massage
- mountebank
- out-bluff
- passsomethingoff assomething
- phoney
- professed
- purport
- quackery
anattemptto bluff:
虚张声势;吓唬When she said she wasleavinghim, hethoughtit wasonlya bluff.当她说要离开他时,他以为那只是吓唬他。
Faking & pretending
- affect
- air guitar
- assume
- believe
- changeling
- charlatan
- cry
- false
- false modesty
- falsifiable
- falsify
- feign
- massage
- mountebank
- out-bluff
- passsomethingoff assomething
- phoney
- professed
- purport
- quackery
acliffor verysteepbank
zrfphoto/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
Geography: banks & embankments
- bank
- dune
- embankment
- hummock
- levee
- mound
- riverbank
- riverine
- riverside
- sandbank
- sandbar
- shoal
- snow bank
- terraced
uk/blʌf/us/blʌf/director toohonest, often in a way thatpeoplefindrude:
过分直率的;过于直接的Despite her bluffmanner, she'sactuallya verykindwoman.尽管有点过于直率,但她实际上是个很善良的女人。
Blunt and direct in speech & behaviour
- abruptly
- abruptness
- bald
- baldly
- baldness
- blunt
- curt
- directness
- edgelord
- flat outphrase
- forthright
- forthrightness
- outspoken
- plain speaking
- plain-spoken
- plainness
- point-blank
- shoot
- suffer
- vocal