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单词 apply


torequestsomething, usuallyofficially,especiallyin writing or bysendingin aform
By thetimeIsawthejobadvertisedit was already too late to apply.我看到招聘广告的时候,已经太晚了,错过了应聘时机。
I've applied for a newjobwith thelocalnewspaper.我已经申请了地方报纸的一个职位。
Please apply in writingtotheaddressbelow.请将书面申请寄到以下地址。
We've appliedtoacharitableorganizationforagrantfor theproject.我们已经向一家慈善组织提出申请,请求其对这个项目提供资助。
[+ to infinitive]Mandy appliedtojointhepolice.曼蒂已报名做警察。
More examples
  • He had aninspiration- why not apply for somegovernmentmoney?
  • People who apply forhousingbenefitmust bemeans-tested.
  • We could apply for aloantobuyacar.
  • She's applied for ajobwith aninsurancecompany.
  • We've applied to acharitableorganizationfor agrantfor theproject.

applyverb(RELATE TO)

(especiallyofrulesorlaws) to have aconnectionor beimportant
Thatpartof theformis for UKcitizens- it doesn't applytoyou.表格的那一项是给英国公民填的——和你无关。
Those wereoldregulations- they don't apply any more.那些都是旧规定,不再适用了。
More examples
  • Pleasestrikeout whicheveroptiondoes not apply to you.
  • Thelawwill applyequallyto men and women except in thecaseofmaternityleave.
  • Thediscountapplies only tochildrenunder theageof ten.
  • Thelegislationmust be appliedirrespectiveof someone'sethnicorigins.
  • It isintendedthat theseguidelinesshould be appliedflexiblyandpragmatically.


to make use of something or use it for apracticalpurpose
Hewantsajobin which he can apply hisforeignlanguages.他想找一份工作,可以用到他的多门外语知识。
Thecourtheardhow thedriverhadfailedto apply hisbrakesintime.法庭听司机陈述了他如何没能及时刹车的原委。
If you applypressureto acutit'smeanttostopthebleeding.如果你按压住伤口,就会止住流血。
More examples
  • If itcontinuestobleed, you may have to apply atourniquetto thelimb.
  • If he stillrefuseswe could always apply a littlepressure, as it were.
  • It'simportantto applyresearchin apracticalway and notleaveit on theshelf.
  • It isintendedthat theseguidelinesshould be appliedflexiblyandpragmatically.
  • Thetaxidriversuddenlyapplied hisbrakes.

applyverb(PUT ON)

tospreadorrubasubstancesuch ascreamorpainton asurface
Apply thecreamliberallytoexposedareasevery threehoursand afterswimming.每3小时及游泳后将防晒霜充分涂抹于身体裸露部位。
Thepaintshould be appliedthinlyandevenly.漆应该薄薄地刷上一层,且要刷得均匀。

applyverb(WORK HARD)

If you apply yourself to something, youworkhard at it,directingyourabilitiesandeffortsin adeterminedway so that yousucceed.
You cansolveanyproblemif you apply yourself.如果你努力,任何问题都能解决。


We have applied a sophisticated, automated algorithm to identify the low-amplitude (y0.01 mag), brief (yfew hours) signatures of transiting exoplanets.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Results from a single human feeding study are available [1, 2] but unfortunately only high doses, resulting in high attack rates were applied.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Logistic regression was then applied to obtain maximumlikelihood estimates of the effect of exposures on the outcome of interest whilst controlling for confounding.
From theCambridge English Corpus
To calculate mixed substance we applied the condition of mechanical component equilibrium.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The procedure was applied to the 3 m focal length off-axis parabola.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Image of the glass shell made by applying a pinhole chamber.
From theCambridge English Corpus
298 the model can be applied, with some advantage, to understand the results of more complicated experiments as discussed, for example, in the present paper.
From theCambridge English Corpus
A modest voltage applied to this electrode is then used to turn on the current during the flat por tion of the main accelerating pulse.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Sluicing also applies inter-sententially, as shown by (ii).
From theCambridge English Corpus
The precedent to be applied by the court no longer functions as an example.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Depending on how the rule theorist thinks rules are applied, there is further trouble for him with the sort of working-out being suggested.
From theCambridge English Corpus
If the legislation is ir rational, then it disrespects any citizen to whom it is applied.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The argument in the text applies to it as well. 20.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Individuals possessing personal pensions have to bear the investment risk, because the contracted-out condition cannot be applied to a money purchase scheme.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Nevertheless, we use the model to illustrate its different aspects applied to the application domain.
From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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