uk/əˈprəʊtʃ/us/əˈproʊtʃ/approachverb(COME NEAR)
to come near ornearerto something or someone inspace,time,quality, oramount:
靠近;接近;临近We could justseethetrainapproaching in thedistance.我们刚好能看到火车从远处驶来。
If youlookout of thewindowon theleft, you'llseethat we're now approaching the Eiffel Tower.如果你从左侧的窗口望出去,就可以看到我们正在驶向埃菲尔铁塔。
Iseeit's approachinglunchtime, so let's take abreak.午饭时间快到了,我们休息一下吧。
In myopinion, no othercomposersevenbeginto approach(= come near inqualityto)Mozart.我认为,任何作曲家和莫扎特相比,都难以望其项背。
Thetotalamountraisedsofaris approaching(=almost)$1,000.目前筹集到的金额总数将近1000美元了。
He's veryactivefor a man approaching 80(= who isalmost80yearsold).对于一个年近80的老人来说,他精力旺盛。
to come closer in space or time
- approachA stranger approached and asked to have her picture taken with him.
- come/get closerThe swarm of bees was coming closer and closer.
- come/get nearerAs she came nearer the building the movement of the crowd became slower.
- draw closer/nearerThe holidays are drawing closer.
- come upA stranger came up to me and shook my hand.
- walk, go, etc. upI went up to him and asked him who he was.
- Slow down as you approach thecorner.
- Under nocircumstancesshould you approach the man.
- Thetrafficlightsturnedgreenas we approached thejunction.
- Withexamsapproaching, it's a goodideatoreviewyourclassnotes.
- Sportsteachingat thecollegedoesn'tevenapproach therequiredstandard.
Closeness in distance and time
- a hair's breadthidiom
- a stone's throwidiom
- about
- ace
- anywhere
- anywhere nearidiom
- approachable
- around
- float
- float around
- hand to handidiom
- hard by
- here
- proximity
- roof
- round the corneridiom
- shadow
- shout
- step
- super-convenient
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Advancing and moving forward
approachverb(DEAL WITH)
todealwith something:
着手处理;对付I'm notsurehow to approach theproblem.怎样处理这个问题,我没有把握。
- We really ought to approach theproblemin a morescientificmanner.
- He approached thetaskin a verymatureandsystematicway.
- It'sdifficulttoknowhow to approach such acomplexsituation.
- The newbossapproachesstaffdisciplinemuch morestrictly.
- My twochildrenhave very differentwaysof approaching things.
Dealing with things or people
- attend tosomeone/something
- be all over itidiom
- beard the lion (inhis/herden)idiom
- bed
- come/get to grips withsomethingidiom
- cut
- fire
- have it out withsomeoneidiom
- hold onidiom
- I/I've got thisidiom
- ill-prepared
- jump-start
- overcome
- tough
- toughsomethingout
- turn
- turn tosomeone/something
- unprocessed
- weather
- weather the stormidiom
tospeakto, write to, orvisitsomeone inorderto do something such as make arequestorbusinessagreement:
接洽;交涉;找…商谈;要求We've just approached thebankfor/aboutaloan.我们刚刚联系银行要求贷款。
She's been approached by amodellingagency.一家模特代理公司曾与她接洽过。
- Thewholesystemwascorrupt- everyofficialshe approachedwantedmoneybeforehelpingher.
- Becarefulhow you approach her - she's verytemperamental.
- PJH Corporation said it had been approached by twopossiblesuitorswho hadsubmittedbidstobuythecompany.
- At first, theyrefusedtosigntheagreement, but they caved in when theyheardanotherfirmwas being approached.
- He was in asnitthismorningand I didn'tdareapproach him.
Suggestions & proposals
- about
- bouncesomethingoffsomeone
- can't
- co-sponsor
- co-sponsorship
- drop
- imply
- make noisesidiom
- maybe
- move
- mover
- nomination
- on the tableidiom
- proposition
- putsomeonetosomethingidiom
- putsomethingin
- putsomethingup
- resubmission
- resubmit
- table
uk/əˈprəʊtʃ/us/əˈproʊtʃ/approachnoun(DEALING WITH)
a way ofconsideringor doing something:
(思考问题的)方式,方法,态度Sinceourresearchsofarhas notproducedanyanswersto thisproblem, we need toadopta different approachtoit.到目前为止,我们还没有研究出任何解决这一问题的方法,所以我们得换一种思路了。
I've justreadaninterestingbookwhich has a new approachtoShakespeare.我刚读了一本非常有趣的书,它提供了一种对莎士比亚作品的全新解读方式。
Michael is always verylogicalinhis approach.迈克尔的处事方法一贯非常合情合理。
a feeling or opinion about something or someone
- attitudeHis attitude towards authority has often got him into trouble.
- outlookI wish I could share your positive outlook on life.
- frame of mindI need to be in the right frame of mind to talk about this.
- approachIt's time to try a different approach to the problem.
- viewpointHis viewpoint is his own and does not affect how I think about the issue.
- point of viewFrom a strictly financial point of view it looks like a positive change.
- Thepilotwasaskedtoslowhis approach to therunway.
- Violentsquallssignalledthe approach of thehurricane.
- All approaches to thecapitalare now under thecontrolof theinsurgents.
- Westoodandwatchedtheslowapproach of thefuneralprocession.
- At the approach of theteacher, shequicklyhidhermagazineunder thedesk.
Ways of achieving things
- actively
- another
- avenue
- bases
- basis
- device
- fair
- formula
- media
- method
- methodological
- methodologically
- methodology
- strategy
- styleless
- stylistic
- stylistically
- technique
- thus
- vehicle
approachnoun(COMING NEAR)
thefactof gettingnearerindistanceortime:
靠近;接近;临近Thesirensignalledthe approachofanambulance.警笛声表明一辆救护车正在驶来。
Manykindsofbirdsflysouthatthe approach ofwinter.很多鸟在冬天来临之际飞向南方。
Pleasefastenyourseatbelts, theplaneis now makingitsfinalapproach(in)to(= is coming near to andpreparingtolandat)Heathrow.请系好安全带,飞机马上就要在希思罗机场降落。
aroutethatleadsto aplace:
通路,路径,路线There is a verysteepapproach to thehouse.有一条很险的路通往那座房子。
UKWe gotstuckin atrafficjamon the approachroad.我们遇上塞车,被堵在引道上了。
the closest/nearest approach tosomething
the mostsimilarthing to somethingelsethat ismentioned:
与…最近似(或相似)的事物That's thenearestapproach to anapologyyou're going to get from Paula.你别想从葆拉那儿得到真正的道歉,她那样做就已经是很不错了。
Arrivals and departures
- admission
- admittance
- advent
- arr.
- arrival
- bourne
- connection
- dep.
- departure
- descent
- destination
- entrance
- entry
- eta
- going
- inflow
- influx
- invasion
- misconnect
- misconnection
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Roads & routes in general
anactofcommunicatingwith anotherpersonorgroupinordertoaskfor something:
接洽;要求;商谈Thehospitalismakingapproachestolocalbusinesses(=askingthem tohelp)intheirbidtoraisemoney.为了筹款,医院正在同当地的公司商谈,请求他们解囊相助。
Ihearthat Everton havemadean approachto(= anattemptto make abusinessarrangementwith)Arsenal tobuyone oftheirplayers.我听说艾弗顿队跟阿森纳队进行过接洽,意欲出钱转入他们的一名球员。
Communicating & keeping in touch
- backchannel
- bell
- call back
- callsomeoneup
- catchup
- communication
- communicative
- communicator
- drop
- hear
- liaison
- mute
- picksomeone/somethingup
- pick up the phoneidiom
- propagation
- radio silence
- rapporteur
- reach out (tosomeone)
- touch
- transmit