suitableorrightfor aparticularsituationoroccasion:
适当的,恰当的;合适的appropriatefootwearfor thecountry适于在乡间穿的鞋
Is thisfilmappropriateforsmallchildren?这部电影适合幼童观看吗?
I didn'tthinkhiscommentswere very appropriate at thetime.我觉得他在当时发表那些评论很不妥当。
Is this an appropriateoccasiontodiscussfinance?这个场合适于讨论财政问题吗?
Pleasecompletethe appropriatepartsof thisform(= thepartsthat arerightornecessaryforyourparticularsituation)andreturnit assoonaspossible.请正确填写表中相关部分并尽快交回。
- suitableThis film contains language that is not suitable for children.
- appropriateIs this film appropriate for young children?
- apt"Unusual", yes, that's a very apt description.
- fittingThe promotion was a fitting reward for all his hard work.
- You would be well-advised to have the appropriate vaccinations before you goabroad.
- What would be an appropriatecourseofactionin such asituation?
- We willprovidehelpwheneveryoudeemit appropriate.
- Here is alistofpossibleanswers. Pleasedeleteas appropriate.
- The EU hasissuedguidelineson appropriatelevelsofpayforpart-timemanualworkers.
Suitable and acceptable
- able
- acceptability
- acceptable
- accepted
- accordingly
- decently
- eligibility
- eligible
- felicitous
- felicitously
- horse
- practical
- respectably
- rightly
- satisfaction
- seasonable
- seemly
- sit
- taste
- ticket
to take something foryourown use, usually withoutpermission:
挪用;占用;盗用;侵吞Helosthisjobwhen he wasfoundto have appropriated some of the company'smoney.他被发现侵吞公司钱款后就丢了工作。
to take something from acultureand use it aspartofyourown:
As theempireexpanded, theyeagerlyappropriated theartisticstylesof neigbouringprovinces.
- abscond
- aggravated burglary
- anti-burglar
- anti-burglary
- anti-piracy
- housebreaking
- jemmy
- jimmy
- job
- joyride
- kleptomania
- piratical
- plunder
- poach
- poaching
- purloin
- rustle
- rustling
- snaffle
- snitch
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Taking things away from someone or somewhere
appropriateverb[T](KEEP MONEY)
tokeepanamountofmoneyto use for aparticularpurpose:
拨出(款项)Thegovernmenthave appropriated millions ofpoundsfortheproject.政府已经为该项目拨款数百万英镑。
Keeping and storing things
- aside
- bank
- bogart
- capacitance
- capture
- cling
- cling (on) tosomething
- dump
- lay
- laysomethingaside
- laysomethingdown
- laysomethingin
- maintain
- packsomethingaway
- reserve
- stockpile
- stockpiling
- storage
- store
- storesomethingup