a verylarge, usuallystone,buildingforChristianworship. It is thelargestand mostimportantchurchof adiocese:
(一个教区内的)总教堂,大教堂Salisbury Cathedral索尔兹伯里大教堂

Simone Simone/Moment/GettyImages
- I waswokenup by thechimesof the cathedralbells.
- Theoldcityaround the cathedral is the mostcolourfulpartoftown.
- Aguideconductstoursof the cathedral everyafternoonat 2.00.
- The new cathedral wascompletedandconsecratedin 1962.
- In the cathedralvaultstheairwasdankandstale.
Religious buildings & places
- abbey
- ashram
- caliphate
- chapel
- church
- gurdwara
- hermitage
- house of God
- house of worship
- madrasa
- monastery
- mosque
- nunnery
- pagoda
- parsonage
- tabernacle
- the Holy See
- United Church of Canada
- vicarage
- wat