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单词 look to
释义 look to
1. attend to ; take care of ; give attention to照管;照顾;注意
*The president assigned a man to look to our needs.总统派了一个人来对我们要求的东西作出安排。
*We must each look to our own work.我们每个人都必须负责自己的工作。
*Look to it that this doesn't happen again.注意不要让这种事再发生。
*Look to your manner,my boy,don't be so rude.注意礼貌,孩子,别这么无礼。
2. depend on; turn to for help依赖;指望
*They all look to you for help.他们全都依赖你的帮助。
*He is ashamed to look to others for assistance.他不好意思求别人帮助。
*We looked to him to settle most of the troubles that arose among us.我们都指望他来解决我们中间产生的大部分问题。
3.look forward to; expect预期;期待
*We look to the day when world peace will be a reality.我们期待着世界和平实现的一天。
*We looked to her for a solo.我们希望她来一个独唱。
4.(a house, a building, etc.) face 面向;朝向
*The house looks to the south.这房子朝南。




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