cattle guard
USuk/ˈkæt.əl ˌɡɑːd/us/ˈkæt̬.əl ˌɡɑːrd/(UKcattle grid)a set ofbars,placedover aholein theroad, thatallowsvehiclestocross, but notanimalssuch ascowsandsheep:
After 1mile, youcrossacattleguard.
![picture of cattle guard picture of cattle guard](
Matthew Sayers/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- Follow theroadfor about 14milesto acattleguard, then take the firstdirtroadright.
- Notfarfrom thetownof Bedias, theycrossedacattleguardonto aranchownedbyfriendsof Mr. Watson.
- Once, ahorseblunderedinto acattleguardin thedark.
- Herodewith me on a back-countryrouteacrossranchesto Johnson City,bouncingovercattleguardsandwatchingdustrise.
Road surfaces & features
- asphalt
- asphalting
- bike lane
- bitumen
- black spot
- cycle lane
- cycle track
- double yellow line
- dropped kerb
- fast lane
- pavement
- paver
- paving stone
- potholed
- pullsomeonein
- speed bump
- tarmac
- tight turn
- traffic island
- verge