uk/kəmˈpleɪnt/us/kəmˈpleɪnt/complaintnoun(REPORT OF A PROBLEM)
astatementthat something iswrongor notsatisfactory:
抱怨,牢骚;投诉;不满We'vereceiveda complaint from one ofourlistenersaboutoffensivelanguage.我们收到了一位听众有关用语粗俗的投诉。
I'vemade acomplaint(=formallycomplained)tothepoliceabout thenoise.我向警方投诉了噪声问题。
[+ that]We've had complaintsthatyou've beenplayingyourradiotooloud.我们接到投诉说你们的收音机音量开得太大。
Do you have anygroundsforcomplaint(=reasontoformallycomplain)?你有投诉的理由吗?
to say something is not right or satisfactory
- complainI hate to complain, but the film was terrible.
- grumbleShe's always grumbling about something.
- whineI hope you don't think I'm just whining.
- kvetchStop kvetching about it!
- make a fussIf the food doesn't come soon, I'm going to make a fuss.
- file a complaintI've filed a complaint with the police about the noise.
- Themanufacturersarereportedto havereceivedalonglistof complaints fromdissatisfiedcustomers.
- Thecompanyhas newproceduresfordealingwith complaints.
- We'vereceivedlotsof complaints about thechangesfromregularlistenersto theprogramme.
- Mylawyeris going tocomposealetterof complaint.
- Iwishto make a complaint - thesechipsarecold.
- be/go on atsomeoneidiom
- bellyaching
- bewail
- brouhaha
- bugger, sod, etc. this for a lark!idiom
- complain
- complaining
- create/kick up/raise a stinkidiom
- gnashing of teethidiom
- grouch
- make noisesidiom
- mutter
- nark
- raise a rumpusidiom
- rumpus
- squawk
- start on atsomeone
- vituperation
- whinging
- whiny
Disease & illness - general words
- aggressiveness
- autoimmune disease
- bilharzia
- bluetongue
- calculus
- hypochondriac
- iatrogenic
- ill health
- impairment
- incurably
- outbreak
- pathology
- pathway
- seizure
- terminally
- uncomplicated
- variant
- worried well
- zoonosis