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challengenoun(DIFFICULT JOB)B1[CorU](thesituationof beingfacedwith) something thatneedsgreatmentalorphysicaleffortinorderto be donesuccessfullyandthereforetestsa person'sability: 挑战;难题;考验 Finding asolutionto thisproblemis one of thegreatestchallengesfacedbyscientiststoday.寻找这个难题的解决办法是当今科学家们所面临的最大挑战之一。 Youknowme - I like a challenge.你了解我——我喜欢挑战。 It's going to be adifficultjobbut I'msureshe'llrisetothe challenge.这份工作会很有难度,不过我相信她会知难而上的。 - Europe'sfinestgolfers are gettingreadyfor the challenge of the Ryder Cup.
- Anawesomechallengeliesaheadof them.
- Finding acureforcanceris one of thebiggestchallengesfacingmedicalresearchers.
- I'vepromisedtofinishthetaskbyFriday, but it's going to bequitea challenge.
- It could be abitof a challenge getting thepianothrough thedoorway.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesComplicated and difficult to do - advanced
- ambitious
- ambitiously
- another
- arduous
- fierce
- formidable
- formidably
- get blood out of/from a stoneidiom
- grail
- obstinately
- onerous
- overdemanding
- painstaking
- picnic
- tricky
- tuff
- ultra-sensitive
- unresolved
- unsolved
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Difficult situations and unpleasant experiences challengenoun(INVITATION)[C]aninvitationtocompeteor takepart,especiallyin agameorargument: (尤指比赛或辩论)挑战(书),邀请 "Ibetyou can'teatall thatfoodonyourplate." "Is that a challenge?"“我敢打赌你吃不完自己盘里的食物?”“这是在叫板吗?” [+ to infinitive]Sheissueda challengetoherrivalcandidatesto takepartin apublicdebate.她向与她竞争的候选人发出挑战,邀请他们参加一次公开辩论。 [C]aninvitationto do somethingdifficult,funny, orembarrassing,especiallyonsocialmedia, often as a way ofraisingmoneyfor a goodcause: (尤指社交网络上的,常为慈善性质)挑战书;参赛邀请 The Ice Bucket Challenge, in whichpeoplefilmedthemselves beingdousedwithicywater,raisedawarenessand over $100 million for the ALSAssociation.“冰桶挑战”的参与者拍摄了自己被冰水浇灌的画面,提高了人们ALS协会的认识并筹集了超过1亿美元的善款。 - HeissuedTomwith a challenge to come out andfight.
- Hethinkshe can get to thetopof themountainquickest. That is his challenge to us.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesCompeting and contending (non-sporting) - be one up onsomeoneidiom
- bid
- cat
- catchup
- chancer
- close-run
- competition
- dare
- go in forsomething
- go toe to toeidiom
- hyper-competitive
- in the gameidiom
- intercollegiate
- pit
- runsomeonecloseidiom
- runners and ridersidiom
- showing
- slugfest
- snap atsomeone'sheelsidiom
- toe
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Making appeals & requests challengenoun(QUESTION)C2[CorU]askingif something istrueorlegal: 质疑,怀疑 Theresultof thevoteposesaseriouschallengetothe government'scredibility.投票结果使人们对政府的可信度提出了严重质疑。 Because of the way thisresearchwasconducted,itsfindingsareopento challenge.因为研究方法的问题,该项研究的结果颇让人怀疑。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesSuspecting & questioning - ask
- ask questions ofsomeone/somethingidiom
- call into questionidiom
- cynical
- cynically
- cynicism
- doubt
- doubter
- doubting Thomas
- fisking
- misgiving
- niggle
- oppugn
- query
- reserve
- sceptical
- skeptic
- smell a ratidiom
- suspicion
- suspicious
See more results » challengenoun(INSTRUCTION)[C]aninstructiongiven by asoldierorguardat aborderorgate,tellingsomeone tostandstill and saytheirnameandreasonsfor being there (哨兵或警卫)喝停盘查 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesThe armed forces generally - anti-military
- army
- barracks
- camouflage
- casualty assistance officer
- casualty notification officer
- casualty officer
- civvy street
- court martial
- guard
- military
- mission
- mufti
- quick march!idiom
- reconnaissance
- the armed forces
- the SBS
- unmilitary
See more results » challengenoun(REFUSAL)[C]lawspecializedtheactofrefusingtoacceptsomeone as amemberof ajury: (对某人出庭担任陪审员表示的)反对,拒绝 A challengetoamemberof thejuryshould be made before thetrialbegins.反对某人为陪审团成员的申明应在开审之前宣布。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesRefusing & rejecting - abnegate
- abnegation
- bar
- batsomething/someoneaway
- blow(something)out
- brush
- disown
- jettison
- miss a chance/opportunityidiom
- opt out
- punt onsomething
- quit
- quit onsomeone
- react
- react againstsomething
- rebuff
- repudiate
- resistant
- spurn
- turnyournose upidiom
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: challengeverb[T](INVITE)toinvitesomeone tocompeteor takepart,especiallyin agameorargument: (尤指比赛或辩论)挑战,邀请Tina has challenged metoagameofpoker蒂娜向我挑战,要我和她玩扑克牌一决高低。 - They challenged us to agameoffootball.
- Can I challenge you to agameofchess?
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesCompeting and contending (non-sporting) - be one up onsomeoneidiom
- bid
- cat
- catchup
- chancer
- close-run
- competition
- dare
- go in forsomething
- go toe to toeidiom
- hyper-competitive
- in the gameidiom
- intercollegiate
- pit
- runsomeonecloseidiom
- runners and ridersidiom
- showing
- slugfest
- snap atsomeone'sheelsidiom
- toe
See more results » challengeverb[T](DOUBT)B2toquestionif something istrueorlegal: 质疑,怀疑 Children challengetheirparents'authorityfarmorenowadaysthan they did in the past.如今子女对父母权威的质疑远远多于过去。 - It wascourageousof her to challenge themanagingdirector'sdecision.
- Sixjournalistssoughtto challenge incourtthelegalityof thebanonbroadcasting.
- UKUnionrepresentativesareplanningto challenge NewLabourpolicyat thepartyconference.
- They did notdareto challenge thesacredcowofparliamentarydemocracy.
- They challenged allourbeliefs.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesSuspecting & questioning - ask
- ask questions ofsomeone/somethingidiom
- call into questionidiom
- cynical
- cynically
- cynicism
- doubt
- doubter
- doubting Thomas
- fisking
- misgiving
- niggle
- oppugn
- query
- reserve
- sceptical
- skeptic
- smell a ratidiom
- suspicion
- suspicious
See more results » challengeverb[T](TEST)totestsomeone'sabilityordetermination 考验…的能力(或决心)SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesMaking people excited and interested - absorbed
- animate
- besomeone'sbagidiom
- bedazzle
- breathe
- breathe (new) life into sthidiom
- intoxicate
- intrigue
- occupy
- overexcite
- overstimulate
- stir
- stretch
- sweep
- sweepsomeonealong
- talksomethingup
- tantalize
- the Thames
- thrill
- whip
See more results » challengeverb[T](STOP)totellsomeone at aborderorgatetostandstill and saytheirnameandreasonsfor being there (在大门,边境等地)盘问,查问SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesSuspecting & questioning - ask
- ask questions ofsomeone/somethingidiom
- call into questionidiom
- cynical
- cynically
- cynicism
- doubt
- doubter
- doubting Thomas
- fisking
- misgiving
- niggle
- oppugn
- query
- reserve
- sceptical
- skeptic
- smell a ratidiom
- suspicion
- suspicious
See more results » challengeverb[T](REFUSE TO ACCEPT)lawspecializedtorefusetoacceptsomeone as amemberof ajury (对某人出庭担任陪审员)表示反对,拒绝 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesRefusing & rejecting - abnegate
- abnegation
- bar
- batsomething/someoneaway
- blow(something)out
- brush
- disown
- jettison
- miss a chance/opportunityidiom
- opt out
- punt onsomething
- quit
- quit onsomeone
- react
- react againstsomething
- rebuff
- repudiate
- resistant
- spurn
- turnyournose upidiom
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: (Definition ofchallengefrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)challenge| American Dictionarychallengenoun(DIFFICULT JOB)[C/U]somethingneedinggreatmentalorphysicaleffortinorderto be donesuccessfully, or thesituationoffacingthiskindofeffort: [C]It’s a challenge being in amarriagewhen bothpartnershavehigh-pressurejobs. [C]Nomatterhowlongyou write,poetryremainsa challenge. [C]Germanyfacesbroadchallenges in the comingyears. challengenoun(EXPRESSION OF DOUBT)[C/U]aquestioningorexpressionofdoubtabout thetruthorpurposeof something, or therightof apersonto have or do something: [U]Because of the way thisresearchwas done,itsfindingsareopento challenge. [C]Thepresidentisclearlyanticipatinga new challenge to hisauthority. challengenoun(COMPETITION)[C]something thatcompeteswith you or is athreat: Thegovernorbarelysurviveda challenge from anunknownopponentin theprimary. challenging
For areporter,coveringtheWhiteHouseis a challengingassignment. challengeverb[T](ASK TO COMPETE)toinvitesomeone to takepartin acompetition: The othercandidateschallenged thepresidentto takepartin adebate. challengeverb[T](PRESENT A DIFFICULT TEST)topresenttasksto someone that needgreatmentalorphysicaleffortinorderto be donesuccessfully: It’seasyenough tocrankoutcollegegraduates, but a goodeducationshould really challenge them. challengeverb[T](EXPRESS DOUBT)toexpressorrepresentdoubtabout thetruthof something: Advancedcomputerschallenge long-heldnotionsaboutintelligenceandthought. (Definition ofchallengefrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)challenge| Business English[CorU]ajob,duty, orsituationthat isdifficultbecause you must use a lot ofeffort,determination, andskillinorderto besuccessful: accept/face/meet a challengeAftersignificantlosseslastyear, thecompanynowfacesthe challenge oftryingtorepairitsreputationwithinvestors. be/pose/present a challengeTheweaknessof thedollarcouldposea challenge to the company'sexpansionplans. As asoftwaredeveloperheenjoysthe challenge ofworkingwithcutting-edgetechnology. She was gettingboredatworkandfeltsheneededa new challenge. Findingtimeto do theworkhasprovenarealchallenge. abig/major/seriouschallenge [C]aninvitationfor someone tocompeteagainst you or for you toprovethat you canachieveaparticulargoal: challenge from sbResponding to a challenge fromdissidentshareholders, theboardapprovedanumberofstepstoenhanceshareholdervalue. [C]anactofaskingwhether something istrueorlegal, or whether someone has theauthorityorrightto do something: mount/launch a challenge againstUnions areplanningtolaunchalegalchallenge against theairlineforchangingtheworkschedulesof 14,000cabincrew. toofficiallyquestionwhether something istrueorlegal, or whether someone has theauthorityorrightto do something: Keepcopiesof all writtencorrespondencetosupportyourcaseif thecompanylaterchallenges you forfurtherpayment. Corporatelawyerschallenged theban, but thecourtupheldit lastyear. tocompeteagainst someone oraskthem toprovethat they canachieveaparticulargoal: challenge sb to do sthConsumers are challengingmanufacturerstoadoptgreenerpolicies. toencouragesomeone toincreasetheirskills,determination,abilities, etc. by making them do something new ordifficult: People are justlookingforjobsthat will challenge andinspirethem. tocausedifficultiesfor someone or something: Localbusinesseshave beengreatlychallenged bytherecession. (Definition ofchallengefrom theCambridge Business English Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)Examplesofchallengechallenge This ordinance is challenged by a landlord who has no plans for conversion.From theCambridge English Corpus Attempting to write a global geographical perspective on organic agriculture is a majorchallenge.From theCambridge English Corpus The commonchallengephysiologists, philosophical psychologists, and also physicists set themselves in that period was that of making invisible forces visible.From theCambridge English Corpus A futurechallengefor the authors will be to explain how changes in the model's parameters embody changes in these fundamental psychological processes.From theCambridge English Corpus In other words, in refusing to attribute any role to crime, these studies are forced into the same zero-sum framework they attempt tochallenge.From theCambridge English Corpus We therefore suggest that the encoding of discrete category representations be added as a fifthchallengefor cognitive neuroscience.From theCambridge English Corpus Achallengein responding to such requests is in determining the comparative benefits and risks of different stem cell transplant methods.From theCambridge English Corpus Opposition parties lack an independent material base to effectivelychallengethe regime.From theCambridge English Corpus However, on the other hand, certifying that a random k-tuple system has low discrepancy seems to be an algorithmicchallenge.From theCambridge English Corpus This paper addresses the technical challenges of implementing a producibility analysis tool.From theCambridge English Corpus Thechallengehas come from what was supposed to be the heart of the mechanistic world view - from physics.From theCambridge English Corpus Countries are facing thischallengein many different ways, but one common factor is the increasing reliance on electronics and systems.From theCambridge English Corpus Section 2 begins with an overview of the theoreticalchallenge, and then presents a category-theoretic framework for deriving transition systems.From theCambridge English Corpus As with literature, a considerable theoreticalchallengeexists in relating the subjective to the intersubjective.From theCambridge English Corpus Creating culturally relevant ways of thinking about diversity and aging : theoretical challenges for the twenty-first century.From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. CollocationswithchallengechallengeThese are words often used in combination withchallenge. Click on a collocation to see more examples of it. big challenge However, digital image analysis of three-dimensional data sets still represents a big challenge. From theCambridge English Corpus considerable challenge Music represents a considerable challenge for visualisation, because it has many attributes which change over time and the relationships between these attributes are complex. From theCambridge English Corpus constitutional challenge An "as-applied" challenge, on one usage, is any constitutional challenge that seeks to vindicate the personal rights of the claimants. 35. From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. #https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/challenge## |