uk/tʃəˈluː.pə/us/tʃəˈluː.pə/aMexicandishconsisting ofthinmaizebreadmade into aboatshape, which isfriedthenfilledwithlettuce,cheese,salsa(=spicysauce), and sometimesmeat, or asimilardishpopularin the US made ofthickfriedtortillaswith many differenttoppings(=typesoffoodplacedontop):
Themealincludesabeefburrito,beefenchilada,beanchalupa and abeeftaco.这顿饭吃了牛肉玉米粉卷饼、辣牛肉馅卷饼、豆子馅船形玉米粉饼和牛肉煎玉米卷。
Real chalupas are made fromtortilladough.正宗的船形玉米粉饼是用做玉米粉圆饼的面团做成的。

Marcos Elihu Castillo Ramirez/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- At acommunaltable,peoplegatherover chalupas,tacosand quesadillas.
- Themenufeaturednachos, chalupas, andpeppersteak.
- You can have chalupabeeforchicken.
- He gets twocheeseenchiladas, abeanandcheesechalupa, abeeftaco,guacamole,riceandbeans.
- Thirtyyearsago, fewpeoplenorthofSanAntonio hadheardofburritos,fajitas, flautas, or chalupas.
Savoury dishes
- Alfredo
- American chop suey
- arancini
- arroz con pollo
- baba ghanoush
- Denver omelet
- dhal
- dhansak
- dirty rice
- dolma
- knish
- kofta
- korma
- kraut
- kreplach
- refried beans
- rice
- rice and peasidiom
- rillettes
- risotto