toburnbodytissueusingheator achemical, tostopaninjuryfrombleedingor gettinginfected, or toremoveharmfulcells:
Thequickestsolutionis to cauterize thewound.
He hadpersistentnosebleedsuntil he had abloodvesselcauterised.
tostopsomething fromcausingsomeone tofeelemotion,especiallyanegativeemotion:
Yearsofsilencecauterizedtheirfeelingsabout thewarbut thesewoundshave nowreopened.
- He had tocutthebulletfrom hisarmand then cauterize thewoundwith ahotknife.
- Thewallof theuterusis cauterized tostopexcessivebleeding.
- Thesurgicallaserusesheattocutand cauterizetissue.
- Aspinalnervecan be cauterised toreducepain.
- Anelectricprobeis used to cauterize theabnormalcells.
- Therootsofdepressionhave to befoundand cauterized.
- Hemaintainedthat hisexperiencesthatsummercauterised hisheart.
- Histaskwas to cauterize thewoundto the company'sreputation.
Medicines & drugs: preventing infection
- anti-AIDS
- anti-bac
- anti-plague
- anti-rabies
- antibacterial
- antimicrobial
- antiseptic
- biosecurity
- boost
- cauterization
- containment
- Covid-secure
- rubbing alcohol
- scrub up
- shielding
- social distancing
- sterility
- surgical spirit
- swab
- unexposed
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Controlling emotions