uk/tʃɑːnt/us/tʃænt/torepeatorsinga word or phrasecontinuously:
重复地说(或唱);反复吟唱;反复念诵Thecrowdwere chanting the team'sname.人群正反复呼唤着自己足球队的名字。
Demonstrators chanted anti-governmentslogansin thesquare.示威者在广场上呼喊反政府口号。
tosingareligiousprayerorsongto asimpletune:
反复地(用简单的调子)颂唱祷文We couldhearthemonkschanting.我们能听到和尚们在念经。
- a cappella
- accompaniment
- accompany
- alto
- anthem
- banger
- barbershop
- croon
- crooner
- dirge
- ditty
- diva
- doxology
- intonation
- raise the roofidiom
- rapping
- screamer
- septet
- serenade
- treble
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Saying again
Meditation, religious chanting & spiritual states
uk/tʃɑːnt/us/tʃænt/a word or phrase that isrepeatedmanytimes:
反复说(或吟唱)的词语Thefansstartedtosingthefamiliarfootballchant, "Here we go, here we go, here we go!"球迷们开始反复唱那支熟悉的足球歌:Here we go,here we go,here we go!
Linguistics: sentences & expressions
- adage
- backchannel
- clause
- coin
- complex sentence
- compound sentence
- declarative sentence
- defining
- dicta
- dictum
- epigram
- epigrammatic
- jawbreaker
- motto
- phrase
- proverbial
- sentence
- slogan
- soundbite
- tail