chapter book
educationspecializeduk/ˈtʃæp.tə ˌbʊk/us/ˈtʃæp.tɚ ˌbʊk/abookforchildrenwith astorythat isdividedintochapters(=separateparts, usually given anumberor atitle),ratherthan abookthat has manypicturesand asimplestorytold in few words:
This is abookthat wouldappealto achildmaking theleapfrompicturebookstochapterbooks.
Ourstudentsallreadat least onechapterbookaweek.
- Best-sellerlistsfor children'spicturebooks, children'schapterbooksand children'spaperbacksarepublishedon thewebsite.
- Theydecidedto do achapterbookfor 9- to 12-year-olds about thefamouscampaigner.
- With Harry Potter,childrenwho hadpreviouslyreadshortchapterbooksweresuddenlyreadingmore than 700pagesin amatterofdays.
Books: kinds of books
- abridgment
- annual
- anthology
- audiobook
- autobiography
- backlist
- crammer
- e-reader
- exercise book
- fiction
- flipback
- folio
- novella
- page-turner
- paperback
- photo album
- photo book
- speller
- travelogue
- young adult