break intosomething
phrasal verbwithbreakverbuk/breɪk/us/breɪk/broke|broken
tosuddenlybeginto do something:
Hefeltsohappythat hebrokeintosong(=suddenlybegantosing).
Shewalkedquickly,occasionallybreakinginto arun(=startingtorun).
Starting and beginning
- be in the first flush ofidiom
- be/get in on the ground flooridiom
- become
- begin
- branch out
- develop
- export
- get down to businessidiom
- grow
- half-cock
- here
- here goes!idiom
- hit the ground runningidiom
- inaugurate
- strike
- strike out(somewhere)
- stuck
- stumble intosomething
- swing into actionidiom
- takesomethingup