breast enlargement
uk/ˈbrest ɪnˌlɑːdʒ.mənt/us/ˈbrest ɪnˌlɑːrdʒ.mənt/anoperationto make thebreastslarger:
She wasabsolutelysureshewantedto have abreastenlargement.
breast augmentation
- Doctors with only littleexperienceinplasticsurgeryare stillallowedtoperformbreastenlargements.
- Shebookedanoperationforbreastenlargement.
- Sheclaimshebulliedher and told her to have abreastenlargement.
- Thenumberofpeoplegettingtummytucks,liposuction, andbreastenlargements hasrisenconsiderablyinrecentyears.
Medical treatment: surgery
- a nip and tuckidiom
- ablate
- adrenalectomy
- amputation
- amputee
- anaesthesiology
- anaesthetize
- excise
- implantation
- incision
- interoperative
- intraoperative
- knife
- laminectomy
- sex reassignment surgery
- snip
- splenectomy
- spreader
- stereotactic
- transfusion