breast implant
uk/ˈbrest ˌɪm.plɑːnt/us/ˈbrest ˌɪm.plænt/anobjectlike abagfilledwith aliquidsubstancethat is put under theskinof a woman'schesttochangethesizeandshapeof herbreast, or toreplaceabreastremovedformedicalreasons:
隆胸,隆胸手术;(对因医学原因移除的)乳房再塑Thesingerdeniedthat she had hadbreastimplants.这名歌手否认自己曾做过隆胸手术。
- Tofindout more about therisksandpotentialbenefitsofbreastimplants,readourfeaturestory.
- Thousands of womenreceivedbreastimplantsforreconstructionfollowingmastectomyduetocancer.
- There is ariskof thebreastimplantrupturingin thebody.
- The newsiliconegel-filledbreastimplantwas notapprovedassafe.
Medical treatment: surgery
- a nip and tuckidiom
- ablate
- adrenalectomy
- amputation
- amputee
- anaesthesiology
- anaesthetize
- excise
- implantation
- incision
- interoperative
- intraoperative
- knife
- laminectomy
- sex reassignment surgery
- snip
- splenectomy
- spreader
- stereotactic
- transfusion