coinsornotes(=specialpiecesofpaper)that are used tobuythings, or anamountof these that apersonhas:
货币;钱,金钱;财产"How much money do you have on you?" "€100 innotesand a fewcoins."“你带了多少钱?”“一共100欧元纸钞和一些硬币。”
Weinvestedthe money in a high-interestbankaccount.我们将钱投入到一个高息银行账户。
Iwantedtobuyit but itcosttoo much money(= was tooexpensive).我想要买,但太贵了。
Wespentso much moneyredecoratingthehousethat we didn't have anyleftover for aholiday.我们花了太多的钱重新装修房子,没有余钱去度假了。
You'll have tochangesome money(=buysomeforeignmoney)at thebank.你必须在银行兑换些钱。
How much money do youearn?你挣多少钱?
Heenjoyedactingbut he wasn'tmaking(=earning)much money.他喜爱演戏,但并没有赚多少钱。
Herinvestmentshaven'tmade(=producedasprofit)much money thisyear.她的投资今年没有很大的回报。
Theymadetheirmoney(=becamerich)in thefashionbusiness.他们做时装生意赚了大钱。
Hetriedtopersuademe toputmoneyintothecompany(=investin thecompany).他想说服我投资那家公司。
Theschoolneedstoraise(=collect)money for newplaygroundequipment.这间学校需要筹资购买操场设备。
Try tosave(=keep)some money foryourholiday.尽量多存些钱以备度假之用。
We'resaving(= notspendingas much)money by usingvolunteers.我们通过使用志愿者来节省开支。
I didn't like thejob, butthemoney(=amountofpay)was good.我不喜欢那份工作,不过薪水不错。
Money istight/short(= we don't have much money)at themoment.我们目前手头很紧。
I had some veryexpensivedentaltreatmentrecently, but it was moneywellspent- it'llsavemeproblemsin thefuture.我最近看牙花费很高,不过花得值,这样就不会有后患了。

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money insomething
If you say that there is money in something, youmeanthat theactivitywillproduceaprofit:
…有钱可赚,…有利可图There's money insportthesedays.目前体育市场有利可图。
If youhelpus, there's money in it for you.如果你帮助我们,你可以从中获利。
- Everyone in theofficeiscontributingmoney for hisleavingpresent.
- They've alreadyrunout of money and thebuildingisn'tevenhalf-finished .
- We're reallystrugglingtofindenough money topaytherentat themoment.
- Manybuildingsin theoldpartof thecityarefallingdown, and thegovernmenthas no money torepairthem.
- Theorganizationhasenlistedthesupportof manyfamouspeopleinraisingmoney tohelphomelesschildren.
Interest & capital
- annualized
- bank rate
- capital intensive
- compound
- concessional
- finance
- interest
- interest-bearing
- lending rate
- nest egg
- non-derivative
- Premium Bond
- principal
- simple interest
- sinking fund
- stock
- the purse stringsidiom
- vested interest
- working capital
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Payment methods
Profits & losses
be in the money
be made of money
for my money
get/haveyourmoney's worth
have money
have money to burn
marry money
money doesn't grow on trees
money for old rope
money talks
more money than sense
(right) on the money
put(your)money onsomeone/something
putyourmoney whereyourmouth is