雨;雨水Rain isforecastfortomorrow.预报明天会下雨。
Come inside out oftherain.进屋来,别在雨里淋着。
We hadheavy/lightrain allday.我们这儿倾盆大雨/毛毛细雨整整下了一天。
We gotcaughtinpouring/torrential(= a lot of)rain without eitherraincoatsorumbrellas.我们既没带雨衣也没带伞,正赶上大雨滂沱,淋成了落汤鸡。
There will beshowersofrain/rainshowers(=shortperiodsof rain)in theeast.东部地区将有阵雨。
Itlookslikerain(= as if rain is going tofall).天看起来好像要下雨。

Jason Webber Photography/Moment/GettyImages
the rains[plural]
theseasonof theyearintropicalcountrieswhen there is a lot of rain:
(热带地区的)雨季Villagers are nowwaitingfor the rains tocomeso that thericewillgrow.村民们正在等待雨季的到来,那时稻子才能生长。
This is the thirdyearin arowthat the rains havefailed.这是连续第三个年头雨季没有下雨了。
- Do youthinkthose are raincloudson thehorizon?
- All I couldhearwas thedripof the rain from theroof.
- At last the rainbegantoeaseoff.
- Allareasof thecountrywill have some raintonight.
- Thewaterlevelin thelakeis muchhigherafterheavyrain.
Precipitation: rain
- bucket
- bucket down
- cloud seeder
- cloud seeding
- cloudburst
- deluge
- downpour
- drizzle
- heaven
- mizzle
- pelt
- piss
- piss down
- rain gauge
- rainbow
- rainstorm
- seed
- sun shower
- wash
- wash(something)out
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
The seasons
come rain or shine
If it rains,waterfallsfrom theskyinsmalldrops:
下雨,降雨Ithinkit'sstartingto rain.我觉得要下雨了。
It's raininghard/heavily(= alargeamountof rain isfalling).正下着瓢泼大雨。
- There's aslightcoolnessin theair- do youthinkit's going to rain?
- This littlestreamcanbecomeadelugewhen it rainsheavily.
- It's rained alldaytoday.
- It had been raining hard most of theafternoon.
- You'll have tostayin atplaytimetoday, because it's raining.
Precipitation: rain
- bucket
- bucket down
- cloud seeder
- cloud seeding
- cloudburst
- deluge
- downpour
- drizzle
- heaven
- mizzle
- pelt
- piss
- piss down
- rain gauge
- rainbow
- rainstorm
- seed
- sun shower
- wash
- wash(something)out
it never rains but it pours
it's raining cats and dogs!
rain onsomeone'sparade
Phrasal verbs