uk/ˈreɪn.bəʊ/us/ˈreɪn.boʊ/rainbownoun(COLOURED LIGHT)
anarch(=curvedshape)of differentcoloursseenin theskywhenrainisfallingand thesunisshining:
彩虹,虹Thesuncame out and wesawa rainbow.太阳出来了,我们看到了一道彩虹。
Thetropicalbutterfly'swingswereshimmeringwithall thecoloursof therainbow.热带蝴蝶的翅膀像彩虹一样闪烁着五彩缤纷的色彩。

Oliver Strewe/ Lonely Planet Images/GettyImages
Theprismswillcastrainbows on thewalls.
Aperfectlycircularrainbowappearedin thesprayas thechildrenplayedin thewater.
- Look over there - there's a rainbow!
- Theglassprismrefractedthewhitelightinto thecoloursof the rainbow.
- Thecoloursof thespectrum-red,orange,yellow,green,blue,indigoandviolet- can beseenin a rainbow.
- She did astencilof a rainbow on her daughter'sbedroomwall.
- There's adoublerainbow!
Precipitation: rain
- bucket
- bucket down
- cloud seeder
- cloud seeding
- cloudburst
- deluge
- downpour
- drizzle
- heaven
- mizzle
- pelt
- piss
- piss down
- rain gauge
- rainstorm
- seed
- shower
- sun shower
- wash
- wash(something)out
acombinationof differentcolours:
Herdresswas a rainbow ofshimmeringgoldandmauveandtanandcerise.
Thehugebruisewent through a rainbow -scarlet,purpleandyellow,green,blackandblue- before itdisappeared.
acombinationof many different things:
Shespokeabout a rainbow oftopics.
Here there’s awholerainbow of differentcoursestochoosefrom.
Monochrome & multi-coloured
- colourway
- in glorious technicoloridiom
- iridescence
- iridescent
- monochromatic
- monochrome
- multi-hued
- multicolour
- multicoloured
- opalescence
- opalescent
- pied
- polychromatic
- prismatic
- psychedelic
- solid
- technicolor
- two-tone
- unicorn
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Variety and mixtures
(usedespeciallybypeoplewho gofishing) arainbowtrout(= alargefishwith areddishstripealong theside):
Icaughta 2.5kg rainbow.
Fish & seafood
- abalone
- albacore
- American shad
- barramundi
- bay scallop
- court bouillon
- crab
- crabmeat
- crappie
- crawdad
- gravadlax
- gravlax
- grouper
- hard-shell clam
- hoki
- rainbow trout
- roe
- saltfish
- sashimi
- scampi
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Hunting & fishing
(the/a pot of gold at) the end of the rainbow
adjective[before noun]
uk/ˈreɪn.bəʊ/us/ˈreɪn.boʊ/rainbowadjective[before noun](COLOURFUL)
brightandcolourful, often with thecoloursarrangedinstripes:
She waswearinga rainbowwig.
The rainbowflaghasbecomeasymbolof theLGBTmovement.
Monochrome & multi-coloured
- colourway
- in glorious technicoloridiom
- iridescence
- iridescent
- monochromatic
- monochrome
- multi-hued
- multicolour
- multicoloured
- opalescence
- opalescent
- pied
- polychromatic
- prismatic
- psychedelic
- solid
- technicolor
- two-tone
- unicorn
rainbowadjective[before noun](DIFFERENT PEOPLE)
involvingorincludingpeopleof differentraces:
the rainbownationofSouthAfrica
involvingorincludingpeoplewho have differentpoliticalideas, or whobelongto differentpoliticalparties:
He did notruleout a rainbowcoalition.
Political movements & groups
- alt-right
- anti-Bolshevik
- anti-Bolshevism
- anti-capitalism
- antidisestablishmentarianism
- Antifa
- awkward
- big tent
- labour movement
- left
- left-winger
- leftism
- right-winger
- rightist
- sectarian
- sectarianism
- the awkward gangidiom
- the left wing
- the SDLP
See also
rainbow baby
rainbow pregnancy