uk/ˈreɪn.meɪ.kər/us/ˈreɪn.meɪ.kɚ/rainmakernoun[C](CAUSING RAIN)
something or someone thatcausesraintofall:
带来降雨的因素;参与人工降雨的人员This isourfirstwinterstormsystemof theseason, and it'sdevelopinginto a good rainmaker.这是我们这里本季第一个冬季风暴系统,正在发展成一个很好的降雨因素。
apersonwho isbelievedto have amagicalpowertobringandcontrolrain:
求雨法师Don Antonio is ashamanand rainmaker.唐 · 安东尼奥是一位巫师和求雨法师。
- Withwaterincreasinglyscarceinitsparchedandheavilypopulatednortheasternplain,Chinahasbecomethe world'sleadingrainmaker, usingaircraft,rocketsandevenantiaircraftgunstoseedthecloudsforpreciousmoisture.
- Somerecentevidenceaffirmsthat thecityis animportantrainmaker foritsneighbours. Theheatstoredandemittedby all thosebuildings,streetsandsidewalksevidentlyaddsachargetothunderstormsandsummershowers.
- Thestorywas about a Nigerian rainmaker who wastryingtopreventrainspoilingaburialceremony.
Precipitation: rain
- bucket
- bucket down
- cloud seeder
- cloud seeding
- cloudburst
- downpour
- drizzle
- heaven
- mizzle
- pelt
- piss
- puddle
- rain gauge
- rainbow
- rainstorm
- seed
- shower
- wash
- wash(something)out
- washout
rainmakernoun[C](MAKING MONEY)
apersonwho isabletobringlargeamountsofmoneyinto acompany, forexamplebyattractingrichclients(=customersfor aservice):
超级说客,风云人物He is aseniorpartnerandtoprainmaker at afamousManhattanlawfirm.他是曼哈顿一家著名律师事务所的高级合伙人和顶级风云人物。
Theuniversityhiredhigh-salaried,experiencedprofessorswho wereconsideredresearch-money rainmakers.这所大学聘请了薪水高、经验丰富的教授,他们被认为是能带来研究收入的风云人物。
- He waspaidas much as $1 million as a "rainmaker" for thelawfirm.
- For the lastdecadehe has been one ofWallStreet's mostsuccessfullawyersas aseniorpartnerandtoprainmaker at Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver Jacobson.
- Theirrivalfirmhad ahandfulof rainmakersabletowooeliteclientsfromEuropeandAsia.
- He isdescribedas amajorfund-raiser - among thetop10percentofpartyrainmakers.
- Is there still such a thing as a rainmaker who by his verynameandassociationcan get youbusiness?
Successful (things or people)
- achiever
- alive
- alpha male
- ascendant
- baller
- bang
- carry
- chart
- havesomethinginyourpocketidiom
- have the world atyourfeetidiom
- healthily
- heavy hitteridiom
- high-flyer
- represent
- superhit
- superseller
- swimmingly
- thriving
- to have arrivedidiom