uk/ˈsæk.rɪ.faɪs/us/ˈsæk.rə.faɪs/sacrificeverb(GIVE UP)
to give up something that isvaluableto you inordertohelpanotherperson:
牺牲;献出Many women sacrificeinterestingcareersfortheirfamilies.许多女性为了家庭牺牲了自己感兴趣的工作。
- She's had to sacrifice a lot for thatrelationship.
- He's the world'sbesttennisplayerbut he's sacrificed everythingelsein hislifefor it.
- He has sacrificed hispersonallifefor thesakeofcelebrity.
- Many women sacrificetheirownambitionsto puttheirfamilyfirst.
- It's the onlybitoffreetimeI get in theweekand I'm notpreparedto sacrifice it.
Stop having or doing something
- abdicate
- abdication
- bail out
- bandh
- break withsomething
- butt out
- forfeitable
- forgo
- forsake
- forswear
- ghost
- give up
- give up the ghostidiom
- lose
- relinquish
- relinquishment
- self-denying
- self-sacrifice
- self-sacrificing
- throw
tokillananimalor apersonandofferthem to agodorgods
- -cide
- abattoir
- anti-suicide
- assisted suicide
- butchery
- claimsomeone'slifeidiom
- commit
- culpable homicide
- deadly
- destroy
- exterminate
- liquidate
- misery
- mortal
- neutralization
- neutralize
- non-fatal
- overlie
- poison
- wring
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Religious practices
be sacrificed on the altar ofsomething
uk/ˈsæk.rɪ.faɪs/us/ˈsæk.rə.faɪs/sacrificenoun[C or U](GIVING UP)
theactof giving up something that isvaluableto you inordertohelpsomeoneelse:
牺牲;献出We had tomakesacrifices inordertopayforourchildren'seducation.为了支付孩子们的教育费用,我们不得不作出牺牲。
Theycaredfortheirdisabledsonfor 27years,atgreatpersonalsacrifice.27年来,他们为照料有残疾的儿子作出了巨大的个人牺牲。
- You have to make sacrifices if youwanttoachieveyourambition.
- No oneraisesafamilywithout making a few sacrifices.
- It's acareerthatleavesyou withalmostnofreetimeand that's a sacrifice I'm notpreparedto make.
- Shesupportedherhusbandthroughouthis 40-yearcareerand atgreatpersonalsacrifice.
- We make sacrifices now to giveourchildrenabettertomorrow.
Stop having or doing something
- abdicate
- abdication
- bail out
- bandh
- break withsomething
- butt out
- forfeitable
- forgo
- forsake
- forswear
- ghost
- give up
- give up the ghostidiom
- lose
- relinquish
- relinquishment
- self-denying
- self-sacrifice
- self-sacrificing
- throw
sacrificenoun[C or U](KILLING)
theactofkillingananimalorpersonandofferingthem to agodorgods, or theanimal, etc. that isoffered:
献祭,供奉;祭品,供品Thepeopleofferedalambon thealtaras a sacrificefortheirsins.人们在祭坛上献祭一头羔羊作为赎罪的祭品。
- -cide
- abattoir
- anti-suicide
- assisted suicide
- butchery
- claimsomeone'slifeidiom
- commit
- culpable homicide
- deadly
- destroy
- exterminate
- liquidate
- misery
- mortal
- neutralization
- neutralize
- non-fatal
- overlie
- poison
- wring
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Religious practices
make the ultimate/supreme sacrifice