uk/ˌkɒn.stæn.tɪˈnəʊ.pəl/us/ˌkɑːn.stæn.tənˈoʊ.pəl/theformernamefor Istanbul, acitythat was thecapitalofTurkeyuntil 1923:
君士坦丁堡(伊斯坦布尔的旧称,1923年以前一直是土耳其的首都)Thedefendingforcesfledthecitybyboatto Constantinople.守军乘船逃往君士坦丁堡。
TheEasternChristianempirewasknownas Byzantium andbasedin Constantinople.东边的基督教帝国称为拜占庭帝国,总部设在君士坦丁堡。
- Therelicsdisappearedfrom Constantinople, today's Istanbul.
- The twotallcolumnswerebroughtfrom Constantinople in the 12thcentury.
- First Council of Constantinople in 381ruledthat thearchbishopof thatcityhadequalrightswith the Bishop of Rome.
Towns & regions: city names & their inhabitants
- Aberdeen
- Aberdonian
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- Abu Dhabi
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