apatternorpicturemade using manysmallpiecesofcolouredstoneorglass, or theactivityormethodof making these:
abeautifultenth-century mosaic一幅美丽的10世纪的镶嵌画
On one of the clinic'swallsis a mosaicdepictinga woman andchildwearingtraditionalclothing.
Mosaic is anancientartformwhich can be used tobrightenup acornerofyourgarden.

something thatformsapatternconsisting of manysmallcolouredareas:
The "island" of Venice isactuallya mosaicof118tinyislands.
200,000mirroredstainlesssteeldisksrespondtoaircurrents,creatingan ever-changing mosaicoflight.
- The Bardo Museum ishometo one of the world'sfinestcollectionsofRomanmosaics.
- You couldlearncandlemaking,glassblowing,ceramics, mosaic orevenfurnituremaking.
- Theinstrumentpanelis a mosaic ofchangingnumericdisplays.
- Thesavannahconsists ofshiftingmosaics ofwoodlandandopengrasslands.
- artificer
- artisan
- artisanal
- arts and crafts
- artsy-craftsy
- craftswoman
- crafty
- crochet
- découpage
- emboss
- googly eyes
- handcraft
- handcrafted
- handicraft
- handiwork
- re-engrave
- screen printing
- silkscreen
- straw
- tjanting tool
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Patterns and shapes
acombinationof many differentpartsformingone thing:
Thecountryis aculturalandsocialmosaicdueto theinfluxof differentethnicgroups.
Withcontinuedprotection,orchidswillcontinuetoinhabittheuniquemosaicofecosystemsthat isSouthFlorida.
- Ithinkit was this mosaic ofexperiencesin hislifethat made himspecial.
- Thatstoryis anotherfragmentin the mosaic of theAfricanAmericanstory.
- Four of his ninenovelswereactuallymosaics ofinterlinkednovellas.
Mixing and mixtures
- be neither one thing nor the otheridiom
- blend
- blend in/blend intosomething
- blender
- blitz
- crossed
- decoction
- emulsion
- guaraná
- homogeneous mixture
- meld
- methylate
- mingle
- mixture
- mush
- neither
- saturated solution
- scramble
- substance
- synthesis
ukusmade using, or in theformof, manysmallpiecesofcolouredstone,glass,ceramic, etc.:
Fragments of anancientmosaicpavementcan beseenon thefloorof thetomb.
Showerroomshavegreenmosaictiles, glass-bowlsinksandchromefittings.
Patterns and shapes
- amorphous
- arabesque
- argyle
- asymmetrically
- asymmetry
- bossy
- cutout
- filigree
- fishhook
- flecked
- flowery
- formless
- fretted
- herringbone
- oblong
- shapelessly
- shapelessness
- sigmoid
- snow angel
- speckled