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theshapeof amassoflandor otherobject,especiallyitscurvedsurfaceor thecurvedshapeformedbyitsouteredge: theruggedcontour of thecoast崎岖不平的海岸线 Hestudiedthe contours of herface.他仔细端详她的面部轮廓。 Herlatestcollectionofswimwearshowsoff the contours of thehumanbodytoperfection.她的最新系列泳装衬完美地托出了人体的曲线。 geographyspecialized(alsocontour line)alineon amapthatjoinspointsofequalheightordepth, in a way thatshowshigh andlowareasofland: (地图上的)等高线 a 400 ft contourline400英尺等高线 Thismaphas contoursmarkedat 250-metreintervals.这张地图标有等高距为250米的等高线。  phleum/DigitalVision Vectors/GettyImages SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesPatterns and shapes - amorphous
- arabesque
- argyle
- asymmetrically
- asymmetry
- bossy
- filigree
- fishhook
- flecked
- flowery
- formless
- fretted
- herringbone
- oblong
- shapeless
- shapelessly
- shapelessness
- sigmoid
- snow angel
- swoosh
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: [T]tochangetheshapeof asurface, making somepartshigherand somepartslower: Oneoptionis to contour thebottomof thelake, making itdeepin themiddleandshallowat theedges. We used theleftoversandandsoilfrom the excavations to contour thepicnicgrounds. [IorT]tocloselyfolloworfitaround thecurvedsurfaceorshapeof something, or to make something do this: Here therouteforksleftto contour around thehillsideback to theskivillage. Theicepackdoes notfreezesolid, making iteasyto contour ittoanklesandknees. [IorT]to usemake-uptocreatedarkerandlighterareasonyourface, that give theeffectofchangingoremphasizingitsshape: Iboughta newfoundationsticktotrycontouring myface. Thiseasymakeuptutorialshowsyou how to contour. [T]geographyspecializedto putlineson amapthatjoinpointsofequalheightordepth: Lack ofavailabledataforsedimentthicknesses haspreventedcontouring themap. - Somepeopleundergosurgicalprocedurestosculptand contour thebody.
- Theflexibilityof thepoolcleanerheadallowsit to contour to thecurvatureofpoolcorners.
- Ilovewatchingpelicansflya fewfeetabove thesurface, contouring therisesandfallsof thesea.
- You can contour ablockoftextaround animage.
- Herhairwassoftlyshapedto contour herface.
- Step-by-stepinstructionsshow you how to contouryournose.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesPatterns and shapes - amorphous
- arabesque
- argyle
- asymmetrically
- asymmetry
- bossy
- filigree
- fishhook
- flecked
- flowery
- formless
- fretted
- herringbone
- oblong
- shapeless
- shapelessly
- shapelessness
- sigmoid
- snow angel
- swoosh
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Make-up & skin care Maps & map-making (Definition ofcontourfrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)theshapeof amassoflandor otherobject,especiallyitssurfaceor theshapeformedbyitsouteredge 轮廓;外形;曲线theruggedcontour of thecoast崎岖不平的海岸线 Hestudiedthe contours of herface.他仔细端详她的面部轮廓。 Herlatestcollectionofswimwearshowsoff the contours of thehumanbodytoperfection.她的最新系列泳装衬完美地托出了人体的曲线。 geographyspecialized(alsocontour line)alineon amapthatjoinspointsofequalheightordepth, in a way thatshowshigh andlowareasofland (地图上的)等高线a 400 ft contourline400英尺等高线 Thismaphas contoursmarkedat 250-metreintervals.这张地图标有等高距为250米的等高线。 contour| American Dictionarytheshapeof amassoflandor otherobject,esp. ofitssurface, or theshapeformedbyitsouteredge: thedistinctivecontour of Florida’scoast (Definition ofcontourfrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)Examplesofcontourcontour However, there exists no detailed physiological model of how the chromatic integration is delimited by signals from contours or edges.From theCambridge English Corpus I therefore want to begin by sketching out the contours of early modern queenship, before turning my attention to the books under review.From theCambridge English Corpus All subjects were blinded to both the previously contoured "gold standard" anatomy outlines and each other's outlining.From theCambridge English Corpus The removal patterns beneath the jet serve as contours of constant shear stress and can aid in determining the complete shear stress distribution.From theCambridge English Corpus By comparing conditions 7 and 8, we see that blurred or smoothed contours showed a weaker discoloration effect than focused and discrete contours.From theCambridge English Corpus We see a horse rider passing by, the movement of trains, darkness abstracted contours of movement, decoloured natural beach and water, wind, grass.From theCambridge English Corpus Finally, the contours for the determinants at 0.0 plane, which denote the loci of singular configurations, are plotted as function of joint inputs.From theCambridge English Corpus A critical election following the formation of the new party may at once redefine and consolidate the contours of the local electoral landscape.From theCambridge English Corpus Auto-contouring should generate contours within one pixel of the physical dimension.From theCambridge English Corpus The exact contours of initial reactions are at risk of being lost in subsequent debates and patterns of media coverage.From theCambridge English Corpus The vertical interrupted lines through the focused nonfinal contours represent the ends of the accented syllables.From theCambridge English Corpus Indicating that higher levels of equipment per 1000 new cases, fewer contours and a shorter time to simulate three fields may allow shorter waiting times.From theCambridge English Corpus The organs at risk were contoured to include the contents, and tissue above and below the radiation fields.From theCambridge English Corpus To show this, we need to show first that sep can be computed from the contours, and second that computing the contours is a homomorphism.From theCambridge English Corpus Let us then begin to explore the contours of the debate if exclusivist belief(s) is considered as a theory.From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. CollocationswithcontourcontourThese are words often used in combination withcontour. Click on a collocation to see more examples of it. contour interval The error in determining the heights above sea-level is taken to be +10 m, which is the contour interval of the map. From theCambridge English Corpus contour map An iso-barcontourmapwas then produced, showing areas of pressure corresponding to specific finger volitions. From theCambridge English Corpus intonation contour Chafe 1994 ties prosodic phenomena such as types of intonation contour to cognitive processes taking place during verbalization. From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. #https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/contour## |