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单词 out of
释义 out of
*Choose one out of these paintings.从这些画中选一幅。
*He picked the girl out of the crowd.他从人群中把这女孩挑了出来。
2.from the inside to the outside of自内而出
*She walked out of the room,all smiles.她笑容满面地从屋子里走了出来。
3.from(a source)从;自
*His dog and cat eat out of the same dish.他的狗和猫从同一盘子里进食。
*The teacher gave a test to see what the students got out of the lesson.老师测验学生从课上学到了多少。 a place away from不在He is out of town this week.他这星期不在城里。
*Our house is ten miles out of town.我们家离镇上有十里路。
5.beyond sb.'s reach在…达不到的地方;非…所能及
*The target is out of reach of the gun.那靶子在枪的射程以外。
*The train is out of sight now.火车已看不见了。
6.without;not having没有;缺乏
*He is out of work.他失业了。
*We are out of firewood;let's go and gather some.没柴禾了,我们去捡一点吧。
7.not;no;used up没有
*The car has run out of gas.车子没有汽油了。
8.because of因;为了
*They helped us out of pity.他们出于同情帮助我们。
*She asked the question out of curiosity.她出于好奇提出了这个问题。 the use of用…做材料
*She made a hat out of bits of old materials.她用零碎的旧料子做了一顶帽子。
*The house is built out of stone.房子是用石头造的。
*The machine is out of control.这台机器失控了。
11.from a particular condition or situation;not in脱离某状况;脱离They finally talked him out of his fears.他们终于使他克服了恐惧心理。
*The sick man was out of danger at last.病人最后终于脱险。




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