thefactof somethingbecomingsmallerorshorter:
收缩;缩小;缩短Coldcausescontraction of themetal.金属遇冷收缩。
The contraction of thismuscleraisesthelowerarm.这块肌肉收缩使下臂抬起。
thefactofbecomingless inamountorquantity:
收缩,缩减the contraction ofeconomicoutput经济产出的缩减
Becoming and making smaller or less
- abridgment
- attenuate
- attenuated
- attenuating
- attenuation
- boil
- damp
- falling
- falling-off
- foreshorten
- foreshortened
- go through the flooridiom
- haircut
- rollback
- runsomeone/somethingdown
- rundown
- sag
- salami slicing
- shave
- telescope
one of the verystrongand usuallypainfulmovementsof themusclesin thewombthathelptopushthebabyout of the mother'sbodyduring theprocessofbirth:
(妇女分娩时宫内肌肉的)收缩,痉挛;子宫收缩She washavingregularstrongcontractions every fourminutes.她每4分钟有规律地强烈宫缩1次。
Obstetrics: birth
- antenatally
- Apgar score
- B, b
- birth centre
- birth partner
- birth rate
- bore
- breech
- childbearing
- delivery room
- hypnobirthing
- labour
- maternity suite
- maternity unit
- matrescence
- midwifery
- newborn
- preemie
- rooming-in
- stillborn
ashortformof a word orcombinationof words that is often usedinsteadof thefullforminspokenEnglish:
(英语口语中的)缩略形式"Won't" is a contraction of "will not".won't 是 will not 的缩略形式。
Linguistics: morphology & parts of words
- -athon
- -ative
- affix
- agglutinate
- agglutinative
- analytic
- combining form
- derivative
- ion
- ism
- libfix
- monomorphemic
- morphological
- morphology
- suffix
- there'd
- there's
- trigraph
- trisyllabic
- trisyllable
Apostrophe to show two words have been connected (contraction)
We sometimes connect two words to make one shorter word. We use an apostrophe to show that we have left out one or more letters:…Contractions
We use contractions (I’m, we’re) in everyday speech and informal writing. Contractions, which are sometimes called ‘short forms’, commonly combine a pronoun or noun and a verb, or a verb and not, in a shorter form. Contractions are usually not appropriate in formal writing.…