uk/ˈmɒθ.bɔːl/us/ˈmɑːθ.bɑːl/asmall,whiteballcontainingachemicalwith astrongsmellthatkeepsmothsaway fromclothes
Winai_Tepsuttinun/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
Chemistry: types of chemical
- acid salt
- aerogel
- alkali metal
- alkaline
- alkalinity
- carbohydrate
- dioxide
- dioxin
- inorganic
- lectin
- melamine
- methyl orange
- monomer
- nitrogenous
- pectin
- propellant
- reactant
- saline
- soluble
- sulphide
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Clothing - general words
uk/ˈmɒθ.bɔːl/us/ˈmɑːθ.bɑːl/tostopworkon anidea,plan, orjob, butleavingit in such a way that you canstarton it again at somepointin thefuture:
封存,保藏;把…束之高阁Sixcoalmineswere mothballed in thehopethat they could bereopenedin atimeofbettereconomicconditions.六个煤矿暂被封存,希望在经济形势转好的时候可以重开。
Delaying and wasting time
- ado
- busywork
- buy timeidiom
- carry
- carrysomethingover
- dally
- inefficiency
- inefficiently
- kick
- kicksomethinginto the long grassidiom
- kick the can down the roadidiom
- push
- retard
- retardation
- setsomeoneback(something)
- shelve
- sit
- sit onsomething
- spin
- stall
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Cancelling and interrupting