uk/kənˈtreə.ri.ən/us/kənˈtrer.i.ən/someone such as awriterorpoliticianwholikestodisagreewith otherpeopleandexpressopinionsthat areunpopular:
与一般大众想法相反的人(如作家、政客等),唱反调的人He is a contrarian whofrequentlywritescontroversialopinionpieces.他总是唱反调,经常写一些有争议的文章。
- Known as a contrarian among hispeers, he did notfollowtrendsorplaythefashiongame.
- He doesn'tfearbeing a contrarian. He's got athickskin.
- She'sknownas a contrarian,wearingyellowduring thecampaigninsteadof theredof the PopularDemocraticParty.
Arguing & disagreeing
- agent provocateur
- alienate
- alienated
- alienation
- argumentatively
- as a matter of factphrase
- bandy
- bet
- bone
- conflict
- dicker
- differ
- dissent
- hammer
- make the fur flyidiom
- shadowbox
- shadowboxing
- tangle
- tangle withsomeone
- that's a matter of opinionidiom
uk/kənˈtreə.ri.ən/us/kənˈtrer.i.ən/disagreedwith by mostpeople, orlikingtoexpressopinionsthat mostpeopledisagreewith:
大多数人不同意的;与一般大众观点相反的Amongacademicsin thefield, shetakesa contrarianview.在该领域的学者中,她持有的观点跟大多数人都不同。
- Thesecompaniesareplaceswherestrong-mindedpeoplewith contrarianpointsofviewdo well.
- Hereckonshissuccessis down toinvestinginundervaluedsharesand taking a contrarianviewto otherinvestors.
- "I havekindof a contrarianimpulse," says Greene. "Ithinkthat oftenpeopleassumethings aretruethat are not."
- I'velearnednever to besurprisedby hismoves, because beingunpredictableand contrarian are at theheartof hismake-up.
Arguing & disagreeing
- agent provocateur
- alienate
- alienated
- alienation
- argumentatively
- as a matter of factphrase
- bandy
- bet
- bone
- conflict
- dicker
- differ
- dissent
- hammer
- make the fur flyidiom
- shadowbox
- shadowboxing
- tangle
- tangle withsomeone
- that's a matter of opinionidiom