athin,flat, hardbiscuit,especiallyoneeatenwithcheese
Andy Crawford/Dorling Kindersley/GettyImages
- amaretto
- animal cracker
- Anzac biscuit
- baked goods
- bannock
- cream cracker
- crispbread
- crumb
- custard cream
- digestive
- lebkuchen
- macaroon
- millionaire's shortbread
- misshape
- oatcake
- shortbread
- shortcake
- snickerdoodle
- sponge finger
- sports bar
apapertubewithsmalltoys,smallpiecesofsweetfood, etc. inside, that iscoveredwithbrightpaperand makes ashort,sharpsoundwhen bothendsarepulled:
彩包爆竹,彩色拉炮(装有小玩具、糖果等的彩纸筒,抓着两端拉开时会噼啪作响)Whowantstopulla cracker with me?谁想跟我一起拉彩炮?

stuartbur/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
afireworkthatexplodeswith aloudnoise
爆竹,鞭炮Objects & decorations connected with celebrations
- Advent calendar
- ball
- balloon
- bauble
- bonbon
- bridal wear
- bunting
- Christmas ball
- garland
- glow stick
- grogger
- hamper
- illumination
- jack-o'-lantern
- party popper
- pennant
- piñata
- souvenir
- stocking filler
- tinsel
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
crackernoun(GOOD THING)
apersonor thing that is very good or has aspecialexcitingquality:
出色的人(或物),顶呱呱的人(或物)She's written fivebooks, and every one is a cracker.她写了5本书,每本都很棒。
Good and excellent things
- badass
- be the best thing since sliced breadidiom
- beatification
- beaut
- beauty
- blinder
- flagship
- grouse
- hot shit
- humdinger
- jewel
- jim-dandy
- king
- peach
- pull factor
- queen
- screamer
- the jewel in the crownidiom
- the real deal
- the Rolls-Royce ofsomethingidiom