uk/krʌntʃ/us/krʌntʃ/tocrushhardfoodloudlybetween theteeth, or to make asoundas if something is beingcrushedorbroken:
嘎吱地咬嚼;嘎吱作响She was crunchingnoisilyonanapple.她嘎吱嘎吱地嚼着苹果。
Thegravelcrunchedunderfootas wewalkedup to thehouse.我们向房子走去,脚下的砾石嚓嚓作响。
to chew food
- chewMake sure you chew your food thoroughly.
- biteShe bit into the apple.
- nibbleShe nibbled on peanuts while waiting for her dinner to cook.
- munchHe munched popcorn throughout the whole film.
- crunchShe was crunching on an apple.
- chompHe was chomping a chocolate bar.
Biting, chewing & swallowing
- bit
- bite
- biter
- champ
- chew
- chomp
- dunk
- gnaw
- lick
- masticate
- mastication
- munch
- nibble
- non-biting
- peck
- peck atsomething
- rumination
- suck
- unbitten
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Sounds made by objects, movement or impact
Sounds made by humans with their mouths
crunch (the) numbers
[Cusually singular]
thesoundof hardfoodbeingcrushedbetween theteeth, or like something beingcrushedorbroken:
嘎吱的声音Thewoodsweresilentapartfrom the crunch ofourfeetin thesnow.树林里一片寂静,只有我们踩在雪地上的嘎吱嘎吱声。
Sounds made by objects, movement or impact
- babble
- blaze
- chuff
- clatter
- click away
- clicker
- clinking
- clunk
- crump
- growl
- gunshot
- hiss
- jangling
- pip
- plunk
- scrunch
- sonic boom
- tick
- white noise
- whoosh
the crunch[S]informal
adifficultsituationthatforcesyou to make adecisionor do something:
严峻的形势;紧要关头;需要作出艰难抉择的时刻The crunchcamewhen she wasforcedtochoosebetween hermarriageand hercareer.关键时刻到了,她不得不在婚姻和事业之间作出选择。
Turning points & deciding moments
- be at a crossroadsidiom
- breakthrough
- brink
- climax
- coming of age
- D-Day
- defining moment
- edge
- flashpoint
- if/when it comes to the crunchidiom
- landmark
- make or breaksomethingidiom
- point of no return
- red-letter day
- road
- road to Damascusidiom
- the moment of truthidiom
- turning point
- U-turn
- watershed
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Difficult situations and unpleasant experiences
[Cusually plural]
anexercisein which youlieonyourback on thefloorwithyourkneesbentandyourfeetflaton thefloor, and thenraiseyourheadandshoulders:
增强腹肌的锻炼;仰卧起坐Doing crunches everydaystrengthensyourabdominalmuscles.每天练习仰卧起坐可以增强腹部肌肉。

Hendrik Sulaiman/EyeEm/GettyImages
Exercising & training
- aerial yoga
- aerobic
- Anti-Gravity yoga
- aquacise
- aquarobics
- bench
- interval training
- jog
- jog trot
- jumping jack
- Kegel exercise
- kettlebell
- resistance training
- Spinning
- stability ball
- star jump
- sweat
- Swiss ball
- tai chi
- taper
if/when it comes to the crunch