释义 |
contactnoun(COMMUNICATION)B1[U]communicationwith someone,especiallybyspeakingor writing to themregularly: (尤指经常通过交谈、书信的)联系,联络,交往 "Have you beenincontactwithAndrewrecently?" "Only byphone."“你最近跟安德鲁联系过吗?”“只是打过电话。” I'm stillincontactwithher - we write acoupleoftimesayear.我和她仍有联系——我们一年写几封信。 There isn't enough contactbetweenteachersandparents.老师和家长间联系不够。 I've beenbusyathomeand havehardlyhadany contactwiththeoutsideworld.我一直都在家里忙乎,和外面的世界几乎没有什么联系。 I'dhatetolosecontactwithmycollegefriends.我不愿和从前的校友失去联系。 Shefinallymadecontactwithhim in Italy.她最终在意大利和他取得了联系。 Airtrafficcontrollostradiocontactwiththepilotof theplanetenminutesbefore theaccident.事故发生前10分钟,空中交通管制中心失去了和飞机驾驶员的无线电联系。 Theschoolneedsa contactnumber(=phonenumber,especiallyforemergencies)forparentsduringschoolhours.学校希望有上课时间能联系到家长的电话号码。 - Itconcernsme that he hasn't been in contact.
- She hasdeniedherfamilyandrefusesto have any contact with them.
- One of theminuspointsofworkingathomeis not havingsocialcontact withcolleagues.
- For a fewtenseminutes, theastronautslostradiocontact withmissioncontrol.
- After a fewmonths' contact themonkeysbecomeverytame.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesCommunicating & keeping in touch - backchannel
- bell
- call back
- callsomeoneup
- catchup
- communication
- communicative
- communicator
- drop
- hear
- liaison
- mute
- picksomeone/somethingup
- pick up the phoneidiom
- propagation
- radio silence
- rapporteur
- reach
- reach out (tosomeone)
- transmit
See more results » contactnoun(TOUCH)C1[U]thefactof twopeopleor thingstouchingeach other: 接触;触摸;碰到 Don'tletthatgluecome intocontactwithyourskin.别让那种胶水粘到你的皮肤上。 Have you beenincontactwith(=touchedor been very near)anyone with thedisease?你接触过患这种病的人吗? Hehatesphysicalcontact of anykind- he doesn'tevenlike toshakeyourhand.他讨厌任何形式的身体接触——甚至不愿和人握手。 - Manytribesbecameextinctwhen they came into contact withWesternillnesses.
- He's veryshyand never makeseyecontact.
- It'spossibletopasson thevirustoothersthroughphysicalcontact.
- TheAIDSvirusisspreadthrough contact withbloodand otherbodyfluids.
- Don'tlettheclothcome into contact with anythinggreasy.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesTouching & feeling - dab
- feel
- felt
- fiddle
- fiddle (around) withsomething
- get to second baseidiom
- get to third baseidiom
- handle
- kiss
- paw
- pet
- play withsomething
- retexture
- second base
- stroke
- tactile
- texture
- third base
- touch
- toy withsomething
See more results » contactnoun(PERSON)A2[C]aperson,especiallysomeone in a highposition, who can give youusefulinformationorintroductionsthat willhelpyou atworkorsocially: (尤指身居高位,能提供有用信息或引见的)熟人,(社会)关系 I don't reallyknowhow she got thejob, but Ithinkhermotherhas contacts.我不知道她到底怎么得到这份工作的,不过我想她母亲有些门路。 He gave me thenameof one of his contacts in adesignfirm, whoofferedme ajob.他给了我一个他在一家设计公司熟人的名字,我在那里得到了工作。 We'rebuildingup(=increasingthenumberof)ourcontacts in thebusiness.我们在业内逐渐建立起自己的关系网。 [C]thepeoplewhosenames,telephonenumbers,addresses, etc. youkeep, forexamplestoredonyourmobilephone: 联系人信息 How do youadda new contact?如何添加新的联系人? contacts[U] theplaceonyourmobilephoneorcomputerwhere youstorepeople'snames,telephonenumbers,addresses, etc.: 通讯录Click theiconto go to contacts.点击图标进入通讯录。 See more- Do you have any contacts injournalism?
- I have a contact within theConservativegovernment.
- He is ausefulcontact forinformationonarmsdeals.
- I amtryingto make contacts within theparty.
- I don't have anylocalcontacts.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesHelpers and accomplices - abettor
- accessory
- accomplice
- acolyte
- aide
- ally
- backup
- buddy
- collaborator
- confederate
- den mother
- enabler
- lifesaver
- man Friday
- mate
- moll
- right-hand man
- room parent
- sponsor
- strength
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Science of psychology & psychoanalysis contactnoun(ELECTRICITY)[C]apartin acircuitthat makes thecircuitcompletewhen ittouchesanotherpart (电路的)接触点,接头 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesElectrical components & circuitry - armature
- baseband chip
- cathode
- cathode ray
- charging point
- circuit breaker
- circuit diagram
- coil
- electromotive
- filament
- LED display
- neutral
- potentiometer
- recharger
- rectifier
- relay
- short circuit
- storage battery
- supercapacitor
- transformer
See more results » contactnoun(FOR EYES)[C](alsocontact lens)asmallroundcurvedpieceoftransparentplastic,wornon thesurfaceof theeyetoimproveyoursight 隐形眼镜  Tetra Images/GettyImages SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesEyesight, glasses & lenses - accommodative
- afterimage
- age-related macular degeneration
- astigmatic
- bespectacled
- bifocals
- boss-eyed
- eyestrain
- goggles
- macular degeneration
- monocular
- multifocal
- naked
- nearsightedly
- ocular
- ophthalmology
- pince-nez
- snow blindness
- sty
See more results » contactnoun(PHOTOGRAPH)[C](alsocontact print)aphotographproducedbyallowinglighttopassthrough thefilmontopaperthat ispressedtightlyto it 贴印照片 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesPhotography - airbrush
- analogue
- aperture
- bokeh
- camera
- camera obscura
- expose
- glossy
- high-resolution
- hologram
- holographic
- holography
- kinetoscope
- pap
- pic
- picture
- PillCam
- pin-up
- pinhole camera
- projection
See more results » contactverb(COMMUNICATE)A2[T]tocommunicatewith someone bycallingorsendingthem aletter,email, etc.: (通过电话或写电子邮件等)联系,联络 Itriedto contact him at hisoffice, but he wasn't in.我试着给他的办公室打电话,但是他不在。 You can contact meon(USalsoat)(=speakto me using thephone)388 9146.你可以拨3889146和我联系。 Unless themoneyispaid, we will be contactingourlegaldepartment.如果不付款,我们马上就和法律部门联系。 - You can contact us byemailorfax.
- For moreinformationabout thejob,pleasecontact thepersonnelmanager.
- Discussionforumsare a way of contactingpeoplewithsimilarinterestsfrom all over theworld.
- Should youeverneed anything,pleasedon'thesitateto contact me.
- I've beentryingto contact you allday.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesCommunicating & keeping in touch - backchannel
- bell
- call back
- callsomeoneup
- catchup
- communication
- communicative
- communicator
- drop
- hear
- liaison
- mute
- picksomeone/somethingup
- pick up the phoneidiom
- propagation
- radio silence
- rapporteur
- reach
- reach out (tosomeone)
- transmit
See more results » contactverb(TOUCH)If thesolutionaccidentallycontacts theskin,rinsetheaffectedareathoroughlywithwater. - Thesteamcondensestoformliquiddropletswhen it contacts thecomparativelycoolfood.
- If anyhotsurfaceis contacted, thepotentialforinjuryexists.
- Headmittedraisinghisvoice, butdeniedat anytimephysicallycontacting theofficer.
- When thesetentaclescontact, anelectricalchargeof somesortpassesacross.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesTouching & feeling - dab
- feel
- felt
- fiddle
- fiddle (around) withsomething
- get to second baseidiom
- get to third baseidiom
- handle
- kiss
- paw
- pet
- play withsomething
- retexture
- second base
- stroke
- tactile
- texture
- third base
- touch
- toy withsomething
See more results » (Definition ofcontactfrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)contactnoun(COMMUNICATION)B1[U]communicationwith someone,especiallybyspeakingor writing to themregularly (尤指经常通过交谈、书信的)联系,联络,交往"Have you beenincontactwithAndrewrecently?" "Only byphone."“你最近跟安德鲁联系过吗?”“只是打过电话。” I'm stillincontactwithher - we write acoupleoftimesayear.我和她仍有联系——我们一年写几封信。 There isn't enough contactbetweenteachersandparents.老师和家长间联系不够。 I've beenbusyathomeand havehardlyhadany contactwiththeoutsideworld.我一直都在家里忙乎,和外面的世界几乎没有什么联系。 I'dhatetolosecontactwithmycollegefriends.我不愿和从前的校友失去联系。 Shefinallymadecontactwithhim in Italy.她最终在意大利和他取得了联系。 Airtrafficcontrollostradiocontactwiththepilotof theplanetenminutesbefore theaccident.事故发生前10分钟,空中交通管制中心失去了和飞机驾驶员的无线电联系。 Theschoolneedsa contactnumber(=phonenumber,especiallyforemergencies)forparentsduringschoolhours.学校希望有上课时间能联系到家长的电话号码。 - Itconcernsme that he hasn't been in contact.
- She hasdeniedherfamilyandrefusesto have any contact with them.
- One of theminuspointsofworkingathomeis not havingsocialcontact withcolleagues.
- For a fewtenseminutes, theastronautslostradiocontact withmissioncontrol.
- After a fewmonths' contact themonkeysbecomeverytame.
contactnoun(TOUCH)C1[U]thefactof twopeopleor thingstouchingeach other 接触;触摸;碰到Don'tletthatgluecome intocontactwithyourskin.别让那种胶水粘到你的皮肤上。 Have you beenincontactwith(=touchedor been very near)anyone with thedisease?你接触过患这种病的人吗? Hehatesphysicalcontact of anykind- he doesn'tevenlike toshakeyourhand.他讨厌任何形式的身体接触——甚至不愿和人握手。 - Manytribesbecameextinctwhen they came into contact withWesternillnesses.
- He's veryshyand never makeseyecontact.
- It'spossibletopasson thevirustoothersthroughphysicalcontact.
- TheAIDSvirusisspreadthrough contact withbloodand otherbodyfluids.
- Don'tlettheclothcome into contact with anythinggreasy.
contactnoun(PERSON)A2[C]aperson,especiallysomeone in a highposition, who can give youusefulinformationorintroductionsthat willhelpyou atworkorsocially (尤指身居高位,能提供有用信息或引见的)熟人,(社会)关系I don't reallyknowhow she got thejob, but Ithinkhermotherhas contacts.我不知道她到底怎么得到这份工作的,不过我想她母亲有些门路。 He gave me thenameof one of his contacts in adesignfirm, whoofferedme ajob.他给了我一个他在一家设计公司熟人的名字,我在那里得到了工作。 We'rebuildingup(=increasingthenumberof)ourcontacts in thebusiness.我们在业内逐渐建立起自己的关系网。 [C]thepeoplewhosenames,telephonenumbers,addresses, etc. youkeep, forexamplestoredonyourmobilephone 联系人信息How do youadda new contact?如何添加新的联系人? contacts[U] theplaceonyourmobilephoneorcomputerwhere youstorepeople'snames,telephonenumbers,addresses, etc. 通讯录Click theiconto go to contacts.点击图标进入通讯录。 I'veaddedhernumberto my contacts.我已经把她的号码加到我的通讯录里。 - Do you have any contacts injournalism?
- I have a contact within theConservativegovernment.
- He is ausefulcontact forinformationonarmsdeals.
- I amtryingto make contacts within theparty.
- I don't have anylocalcontacts.
contactnoun(ELECTRICITY)[C]apartin acircuitthat makes thecircuitcompletewhen ittouchesanotherpart (电路的)接触点,接头 contactnoun(FOR EYES)[C](alsocontact lens)asmallroundcurvedpieceoftransparentplastic,wornon thesurfaceof theeyetoimproveyoursight 隐形眼镜 contactnoun(PHOTOGRAPH)[C](alsocontact print)aphotographproducedbyallowinglighttopassthrough thefilmontopaperthat ispressedtightlyto it 贴印照片 A2tocommunicatewith someone bycallingorsendingthem aletter,email, etc. (通过电话或写电子邮件等)联系,联络Itriedto contact him at hisoffice, but he wasn't in.我试着给他的办公室打电话,但是他不在。 You can contact meon(USalsoat)(=speakto me using thephone)388 9146.你可以拨3889146和我联系。 Unless themoneyispaid, we will be contactingourlegaldepartment.如果不付款,我们马上就和法律部门联系。 - You can contact us byemailorfax.
- For moreinformationabout thejob,pleasecontact thepersonnelmanager.
- Discussionforumsare a way of contactingpeoplewithsimilarinterestsfrom all over theworld.
- Should youeverneed anything,pleasedon'thesitateto contact me.
- I've beentryingto contact you allday.
contact| American Dictionarycontactnoun(COMMUNICATION)[U]communicationwith someone, or with agroupororganization: Have youkeptin contact withyourfriendsfromcollege? Thepilotwas always in contact with anairtrafficcontroller. contactnoun(TOUCH)[U]thetouchingof twoobjectsorsurfaces: Don’tletthatgluecome into contact withyourskin. contactnoun(HELPFUL PERSON)[C]apersonwhom youknowand who may beabletohelpyou in ausefulway,esp. byinfluencingotherpeopleor bysharingknowledgewith you: Hetriedto use his contacts to get abetterjobinadvertising. [C]A contact is also apersonyoumeet: Myface-to-facecontactsoutsideof theofficehad beenmostlyhotelclerks,policemen, andwaitresses. contact
Itriedto contact him at hisofficebut he was out tolunch. (Definition ofcontactfrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)contact| Business English[U]communicationwith someone,especiallybyspeakingor writing to themregularly: be/get/keep in contact with sbWe have been in contact withsimilarorganizationsin severalcountries. establish/make contact with sbExperience hastaughtme thebestway to make a good firstimpressionis to make contact with as manypeoplein theorganizationas you can. contact between sb (and sb)The first contact betweencontractingpartieswillnormallybe thesendingout of apricelistorcatalogue. contact details/information/numberThe HRdepartmentkeepsthe contactdetailsof allmembersofstaff. in close/direct/regular contact with sb44% of hisworkingtimeisspentindirectcontact withclients. Under the newcode,shareholderswill have aseniornon-executivedirector,asidefrom thechairman, who willactastheirpointof contacton theboard. [C]aperson,especiallyin a highposition, who can give youusefulinformationorintroductionsthat willhelpyou atwork: good/useful/valuable contactsConferences are goodplacesto makeusefulcontacts. He's got a contact in London whobuysthegoodsoff him. Sharing amealwithclientsorcolleaguescanstrengthenbusinesscontactsandimprovecareerprospects. anetworkof contacts tocommunicatewith someone byphoningthem orsendingthem aletter,email, etc.: contact sb for sthThedistributorshould be contacted forfurtherinformationon theserequirements. contact sb at/onYou can contact themanagerdirectlyon thisnumber, or at hiswebsiteaddress. contactable
Pleaseensurethat you are contactable at alltimeswhile thedealis going through. (Definition ofcontactfrom theCambridge Business English Dictionary© Cambridge University Press) #https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/contact## |