uk/mɪs/us/mɪs/missverb(NOT DO)
tofailto do orexperiencesomething, often somethingplannedorexpected, or toavoiddoing orexperiencingsomething:
未做到;未体验;避开;幸免于I missed thestartof theclassbecause mybuswas late.我上课迟到了,因为我坐的公共汽车晚了。
Often I miss(= do noteat)breakfastand have an earlylunchinstead.我经常不吃早餐而早吃午饭。
You shouldleaveearly if youwantto miss therushhour.如果你想避开高峰时间,就该早些出发。
[+ -ing verb]I only just missed beingrunover by abusthismorning.我今早差点被一辆公共汽车撞倒。
to avoid doing something
- avoidAvoid swimming in areas where sharks are known to congregate.
- evadePlease don’t think I’m trying to evade my responsibility.
- dodgeHe tried to dodge his military service.
- run away fromI didn't often run away from difficult decisions.
- shrink fromI've never been one to shrink from a challenge.
- sidestepThis is not a responsibility you can sidestep.
toarrivetoo late to get on abus,train, oraircraft:
未赶上,错过You'll missyourflightif you don'thurryup.如果你不快点,会误了飞机的。
to not go to something:
缺(勤);缺(课);失(约);未出席Students who miss a lot ofschoolcanfindit hard tocatchup.缺课严重的学生会很难赶上。
I'mtryingtofindanexcusefor missing theofficeparty.我正要找个不去办公室聚会的接口。
to notseeorhearsomething or someone:
未看到;未听到I missed thebeginningof the show.我错过了演出的开头。
Herlatestmovieistoo good tomiss(= itcertainlyshould beseen).她最近的一部电影很好,不容错过。
I wassorryI missed you at Pat'sparty- I must havearrivedafter youleft.很遗憾没有在帕特的派对上看到你——我准是在你离开后才到的。
to notnoticesomeone or something:
未注意到You don't miss much, do you? Nobodyelsenoticedthatmistake.你真是明察秋毫,是吧?别人都没有注意到那个错误。
Myofficeis first on therightwith abrightreddoor. Youcan'tmissit(= it is veryeasytofind).我的办公室是右边的第一间,有一扇鲜红色的门。你不会找不到的。
- Henri'slatestshow issimplytoo good to miss.
- In thisgameif you give thewrongansweryou have to miss aturn.
- She has never missed asingleepisodeof herfavouritesoapopera.
- He missed twopracticesessionsso he's out of theteam.
- You'll have to make up theworkyou've missed while you were away.
Avoiding action
- abrogate
- abrogation
- avoid
- avoidsomethinglike the plagueidiom
- avoidance
- eschew
- evade
- evader
- evasion
- fiddle
- fiddle around
- fight shy ofidiom
- insure
- short circuit
- shrink fromsomething
- shy away fromsomething
- sit onyourarseidiom
- skip out onsomeone/something
- steer
- welch
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Forgetting and forgetfulness
missverb(FEEL SAD)
tofeelsadthat apersonor thing is notpresent:
想念,惦念;怀念,思念I really missed her when she went away.她离开的时候我非常想念她。
She will besadlymissed by all whoknewher.所有认识她的人都会很悲伤地怀念她的。
I still miss myoldcar.我仍惦念着我的旧汽车。
What did you miss mostabouthomewhen you werelivingin France?你住在法国时最想念家乡的是什么?
[+ -ing verb]I haven't missed smokinglike Iexpectedto.出乎我的预料,我并没有老想着要抽烟。
- I miss mymomanddada lot.
- You'll besorelymissed by everyone here, and wewishyousuccessinyournewjob.
- She missed Spain and thelanguorof asiestaon ahotsummerafternoon.
- Itsurprisesme how much he misses hissisterwhen she's away - after all, they do nothing butfightwhen they are together!
- I really missseeingtheirhappysmilingfaces.
Sadness and regret
- aw
- be/weigh onyourconscienceidiom
- bitter
- black dog
- breastbeating
- cry
- distress
- feel badidiom
- gloominess
- glumness
- groan
- guilt
- melancholia
- regretfully
- remorse
- remorseful
- remorsefully
- repent
- repentance
- repentant
missverb(NOT HIT)
tofailtohitsomething, or toavoidhittingsomething:
未击中,未打中;避开Thebulletmissed hisheartby acoupleofcentimetres.子弹差几厘米就击中了他的心脏。
Iswervedtoavoidthe othercarand only just missed atree.我为避开另一辆车急忙转向,差一点就撞到树上。
Hethrewabookat me, but he/it missed.他朝我扔了一本书,但没打中。
- Thearrowmisseditstargetandlandedon thegrass.
- How could he have missed thegoalfrom thatdistance?
- Thecarmissed thetreeandraninto thefield.
- Itriedtothrowthepaperin thebin, but I missed.
- Luckily theeggmissed hisfacebyinches.
Failing and doing badly
- abjectly
- at-risk
- backbencher
- balls(something)up
- be on your beam endsidiom
- blow
- bomb
- collapse
- fall to piecesidiom
- fight a losing battleidiom
- flog
- flog a dead horseidiom
- flop
- founder
- rot
- running on emptyidiom
- sclerotic
- screw
- smoke
- the rot sets inidiom
tonoticethat something islostorabsent:
发觉遗失;发觉…不在身边He didn't miss hiswalletuntil thewaiterbroughtthebill.直到服务员拿来账单,他才发觉丢了钱包。
Losing and loss
- astray
- black hole
- disappear
- forfeit
- get to
- haemorrhage
- kiss
- lose
- loseyourwayidiom
- loss
- lost
- mislay
- misplace
- misroute
- say
- slip throughsomeone'sfingersidiom
- unaccounted for
- walkabout
- wave
- wave/say goodbye tosomethingidiom
We use miss as a verb to mean ‘not hit or reach something’:…Idioms
miss a chance/opportunity
miss the boat
miss the mark
miss the point
not miss a beat
not miss a trick
not miss much
Phrasal verbs
miss out
uk/mɪs/us/mɪs/missnoun(NOT HIT)
anoccasionwhen something or someonefailstohitsomething oravoidshittingsomething:
未打中;避免击中Well done! Youscoredeighthitsand only two misses.打得好!你8次击中得分,只有两次失误。
See also
near miss
- another/the final nail in the coffinidiom
- bloodbath
- brain freeze
- breakdown
- busted flush
- car crash
- flop
- foul(something)up
- freefall
- game overidiom
- hash
- lemon
- lost cause
- mess
- nail
- slim pickings
- slush pile
- track record
- train wreck
- turkey
missnoun(NOT DO)
givesomethinga missC1UKinformal
toavoidor not do something:
避开;对…不予理会;决定不做We usually go to France in thesummer, but we'vedecidedto give it a miss thisyear.我们通常夏天去法国,但今年我们决定不去了。
The restaurant's very good forfish, but I'd givetheirvegetarianoptionsa miss.这家餐馆鱼做得很好,但他们的素菜我不愿意吃。
Avoiding action
- abrogate
- abrogation
- avoid
- avoidsomethinglike the plagueidiom
- avoidance
- eschew
- evade
- evader
- evasion
- fiddle
- fiddle around
- fight shy ofidiom
- insure
- short circuit
- shrink fromsomething
- shy away fromsomething
- sit onyourarseidiom
- skip out onsomeone/something
- steer
- welch
agirloryoungwoman,especiallyone whobehavesrudelyorshowsnorespect:
小姑娘;(尤指)冒失女孩You're acheekylittle miss! Apologize atonce.你这个冒失的小姑娘!立刻道歉。