thinfogproducedby verysmalldropsofwatercollectingin theairjust above anareaofgroundorwater:
薄雾Themountainvillagesseemto bepermanentlyshroudedinmist.山村好像永远笼罩在薄雾之中。
The early-morning mistsoonlifted/cleared.清晨的薄雾很快就散了。

mrdoomits/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
athinlayerofliquidon thesurfaceof something that makes itdifficulttosee:
水汽,水蒸气UKThere's always a mist on thebathroommirror/windowswhen I've had ashower.我淋浴过后,浴室的镜子/窗户上总有一层水汽。
Through a mistoftears, Iwatchedhistrainpullout of thestation.我泪眼模糊,看着他乘坐的火车驶离了车站。

AlxeyPnferov/iStock/Getty Images Plus/Getty Images /GettyImages
- Theriveris oftencloakedin mist in the earlymorning.
- A mistdriftedin from themarshes.
- Thecarlightsgloweddullythrough the mist.
- Thegraveyardlookedghostly,envelopedin mist.
- Themorningmist hadliftedand thesunwasstartingto come through.
Precipitation: clouds, dew, fog & steam
- billow
- brume
- chemtrail
- cirrocumulus
- cirrus
- condensate
- contrail
- cumulonimbus
- foggy
- haze
- haze over
- lowering
- misty
- moisture
- nimbus
- overcast
- pall
- pea-souper
- vapour trail
- whiteout
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