toliftsomething to ahigherposition:
举起;抬起;提起Would all those infavourpleaseraisetheirhands?赞成的人请举手好吗?
He raised thewindowandleanedout.他把窗户推上去后探出身子。
Mary Quant was the firstfashiondesignerto raisehemlines.玛丽.匡特是第一个把裙子裁短的时装设计师。
to move from a lower position to a higher position
- liftI can't lift my arm past this point without pain.
- raiseRaise your hand if you have a question, please.
- elevatePut pressure on the wound and keep the injured limb elevated.
- pick upIf the baby cries, pick him up and cuddle him.
- scoop upShe scooped up the crying toddler and carried him off to his cot.
- Theconductorraised hisbaton.
- She raised hergun, tookaimandfired.
- Anyonewishingtodissentfrom themotionshould now raisetheirhand.
- Thecontractionof thismuscleraises thelowerarm.
- Theleveris used to raise thebarrier.
Raising and lowering
- depress
- elevate
- elevated
- erect
- go down
- hike
- hikesomethingup
- hoick
- hoist
- jack
- jacksomethingup
- prise
- prize
- pry
- putsomethingup
- re-erect
- ride
- ride up
- run
- yo-yo
tocausesomething toincreaseorbecomebigger,better,higher, etc.:
增加;提高;改善Thegovernmentplanto raisetaxes.政府计划增税。
I had to raise myvoice(=speakmoreloudly)to make myselfheardover thenoise.在一片喧哗声中,我不得不提高嗓门好让大家听见。
Theinspectorsaid thatstandardsat theschoolhad to be raised.督学说学校必须提高办学标准。
Our littlechathas raised myspirits(= made mefeelhappier).我们闲聊了一小会儿,我的情绪好些了。
- Theincreaseininterestrateswill raise thecostofliving.
- The government'sdecisionto raisetaxeshascausedagreatfurore.
- Banks have raisedtheirlendingratesby 2%.
- Thecampaignhascertainlysucceededin raisingpublicawarenessof theissue.
- You'll have to raiseyourvoiceif youwantto beheardin here.
Increasing and intensifying
- -ify
- accretion
- accumulate
- accumulative
- add fuel to the fireidiom
- additive
- blaze
- crank
- explosive
- heighten
- hot up
- increase
- increment
- mushroom
- re-escalation
- redouble
- resurge
- rocket
- saturation
- stake
引起,导致;使存在Heranswersraiseddoubts/fears/suspicionsin mymind.她的回答使我心里感到疑惑/害怕/怀疑。
Thisdiscussionhas raised manyimportantissues/problems.这次讨论引出了很多重要的议题/问题。
Theannouncementraised acheer/laugh.该通知引起大家一片欢呼/哄堂大笑。
Iwantto raise(=talkabout)twoproblems/questionswithyou.我想跟你探讨/问你两个问题。
Iwanttostartmy ownbusinessif I can raise(=obtain)themoney/cash/capital/funds.如果我能够筹集到钱款/现金/资本/资金的话,我想创办自己的公司。
formalThechapelwas raised(=built)as amemorialto herson.这座小教堂是为了纪念她的儿子而修建的。
- Thislatestscandalhas raiseddoubtsabout hissuitabilityfor thepost.
- Thiscasehas raised amultitudeofquestions.
- Aseriesofunsolvedmurderson theislandhas raisedfearsthat apsychopathicserialkilleris on theloose.
- I would like to raise apointoforder.
- This raises thequestionofteacherpay.
Creating and producing
- anti-creative
- artefact
- attribute
- attributesomethingtosomeone
- barrenness
- bash
- generate
- handmade
- knock
- knock off (something)
- knocksomeoneout
- knocksomethingtogether/up
- mint
- rollout
- runsomethingup
- rushsomethingout
- sand-cast
- scaresomethingup
- spin
- yield
to takecareof aperson, or ananimalorplant, until they arecompletelygrown:
养育;喂养;种植Herparentsdiedwhen she was ababyand she was raised by hergrandparents.她从小父母就去世了,是祖父母把她抚养大的。
Thelambshad to be raisedbyhand(=fedmilkbypeople)whentheirmotherdied.母羊死后,这些小羊羔只得靠人工喂养。
Thesoilaround here isn't good enough for raising(=growing)crops.这附近地区的土壤不够肥沃,不能种庄稼。
rear(CARE FOR)
- Although he was raised aCatholic, he was anagnosticfor most of hisadultlife.
- Shedecidedtoturnveganafterwatchingadocumentaryabout howpoultryis raised.
- Shethinkssheknowseverything about raisingchildren, but I couldtellher a thing or two.
- He wasbornand raised in Texas.
- Mydaddiedwhen we weresmallso mymumraised thefamilyon her own.
Parenting & caring for children
- adopt
- adoptable
- adopted
- adoptee
- adoption
- caretaking
- child-rearing
- childless
- childlessness
- childmind
- lawnmower parent
- looked-after
- mothering
- nanny
- non-custodial
- stay-at-home
- swaddle
- unadoptable
- unadopted
- upbringing
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Animal farming - general words
raiseverb[T](CARD GAMES)
If you raise anotherplayerin agameofcards, youriskmoremoneythan thatplayerhasrisked:
(赌牌时)比对手多下赌注,提高(赌注),加赌注I'll raise you.我要提高赌注。
[+ two objects]I'll raise you $50.我要比你多押50美元。
Card games
- all in
- bidding
- blackjack
- busted flush
- canasta
- card sharp
- deal
- diamond
- flush
- jack
- pass
- pool
- queen
- re-raise
- rebid
- recut
- rookie card
- solitaire
- spade
- straight
to end orstop:
解除;终止;解(禁)Theyagreedto raise thetradeembargoif threeconditionsweremet.如果满足3个条件,他们同意解除贸易禁运。
After threeweeksthesiegewas raised.3个星期后解除了围困。
Causing something to end
- abandon
- abandonment
- all good things (must) come to an endidiom
- and have done with itidiom
- be over the humpidiom
- cure
- draw
- jacksomethingin
- killsomethingstone-deadidiom
- knock
- knock off (something)
- lay
- lay the ghost ofsomething(to rest)idiom
- lid
- lift
- stanch
- staunch
- stem
- stopper
- stranglesomethingat birthidiom
tocommunicatewith someone,especiallybyphoneorradio:
(尤指通过电话或无线电)与…取得联系,与…通话I've beentryingto raise Jack/Tokyo allday.我一整天都在试图与杰克/东京取得联系。
Communicating & keeping in touch
- backchannel
- bell
- call back
- callsomeoneup
- catchup
- communication
- communicative
- communicator
- drop
- hear
- liaison
- mute
- picksomeone/somethingup
- pick up the phoneidiom
- propagation
- radio silence
- rapporteur
- reach out (tosomeone)
- touch
- transmit
Raise must have an object, as it is a transitive verb. It is a regular verb; its three forms are raise, raised, raised:…Idioms
raise (a few) eyebrows
raisesomeonefrom the dead
raiseyourhand to/againstsomeone
raise hell
USuk/reɪz/us/reɪz/(UKrise)anincreasein theamountthat you arepaidfor theworkyou do:
加薪Sheaskedthebossfor a raise.她要求老板给她加薪。
Earning money
- (your)(daily) breadidiom
- assessable
- bank
- base pay
- basic
- basic income
- benefits package
- feel the pinchidiom
- hand over fistidiom
- in arrearsidiom
- lineyourpocket(s)idiom
- livelihood
- pay packet
- pull
- pullsomethingdown
- rakesomethingin
- remonetize
- remuneration
- shift
- sick pay