formal(alsocooccurrent)uk/ˌkəʊ.əˈkʌr.ənt/us/ˌkoʊ.əˈkɝː.ənt/(of two or moreeventsorsituations)existingorhappeningat the sametimeand often in the sameplace:
Gendermarkingis always co-occurrentwithcasemarkinginGerman.
- Each of the three Bhutanesespecieshave homeomorphs among co-occurrenttrilobitespeciesfrom othersettings.
- Thehighestco-occurrentdecreaseinlanduseappearsbetweenbiodiversityandlandcarbonstock.
- Theanalysisrevealednumerousanddiverserelationsbetween the co-occurrentproblems.
- This mayextendtoindividualswith highlevelsof cooccurrentautisticandborderlinetraits.
Events and occurrences
- -athon
- back story
- be (all) part of life's rich tapestry/pageantidiom
- benefit
- binge
- brush
- car wash
- date night
- edition
- epiphenomenon
- episode
- goings-on
- occasion
- occurrence
- past
- proceedings
- reoccurrence
- saga
- spree
- thing