cookie jar
USuk/ˈkʊk.i ˌdʒɑːr/us/ˈkʊk.i ˌdʒɑːr/(UKbiscuit tin)acontainerwith alidforstoringbiscuits:
Make thesewalnutcookiesup to 4daysahead;storein acookiejarortightlysealedcontainer.

Lawrence Manning/Corbis/GettyImages
acontainerused athomeforkeepingmoneyor othervaluablethings:
There was anoutpouringofsmalldonationsfromcitizensfromtheircookiejars.
- There arebeautifulpices ofhandmadepotterysuch asbowls,cookiejars, andvases.
- Confronted bygiantbagsofpopcorn,groaningbuffettablesor easy-to-reachcookiejars, wereadilyoverindulge.
- Ithinkof mydadduring theDepressionwhen he put all hismoneyin acookiejarafter taking it out of thebanks.
General and miscellaneous containers
- Ball jar
- bin
- bindle
- biscuit tin
- caddy
- flowerpot
- geocache
- gift box
- gunnysack
- hamper
- pallet
- piggy bank
- planter
- punnet
- receptacle
- safe deposit box
- workbasket
- workbox
- wormery
- wrap
get caught withyourhand in the cookie jar