phrasal verbwithputverbuk/pʊt/us/pʊt/present participleputting|past tense and past participleput
to make adeviceoperate, or tocauseadevicetoplaysomething, such as a CD orDVD, bypressingaswitch:
Could you put thelighton?
Do youmindif I put thetelevision/somemusicon?
Don'tforgetto put thebrakeon.
- I put theradioon while Ipreparedthemeal.
- I put theovenon toheatup while Ipreparedthemixture.
Electrical switches & connections
- clicker
- coaxial
- corded
- dimmer
- dimmer switch
- junction box
- national grid
- outlet
- overload
- override
- patch
- pause
- plug
- plug(something)in/plug(something)intosomething
- plug-in
- powerbank
- push-button
- putsomethingout
- spark plug
- wire
tocoverpartof thebodywithclothes,shoes,make-up, or somethingsimilar:
Putyourshoeson - we're going out.
He put on hisjacket.
She putsfacecreamon everynight.
Putting clothes on
- arrayed
- bundle
- bundle (someone) up
- doll
- dollyourselfup
- dolled up
- dress
- get up
- glam
- glam(yourself)up
- makeyourselfrespectableidiom
- mask
- put
- respectable
- rig
- rigsomeoneout
- slip
- slip intosomething
- throw
- throwsomethingon
topretendto have aparticularfeelingor way ofbehavingthat is notrealornaturalto you:
Why are you putting on thatsillyvoice?
There's no need to put on thatinjuredexpression- youknowyou're in thewrong.
I can'ttellwhether he's reallyupset, or if he's just puttingiton.
Faking & pretending
- affect
- air guitar
- assume
- believe
- changeling
- charlatan
- cry
- false
- false modesty
- falsifiable
- falsify
- feign
- massage
- mountebank
- out-bluff
- passsomethingoff assomething
- phoney
- professed
- purport
- quack
toproduceorprovidesomething,especiallyfor the good of otherpeopleor for aspecialpurpose:
She put on awonderfulmealfor us.
They've put on a late-nightbusserviceforstudents.
Giving, providing and supplying
- accommodate
- accord
- administer
- administration
- assignment
- award
- hand off
- handsomethingin
- handsomethingout
- handsomethingover
- handsomethinground
- invest
- lay
- passing
- rebid
- regift
- reprovision
- resource
- resupply
- spare
Ifpeopleoranimalsputweighton, theybecomeheavier:
I'dexpectedto putweighton when I gave upsmoking, but I didn't.
He's put on tenpoundsin the lastmonth.
Becoming bigger
- accrete
- accrue
- anti-growth
- bell
- billow
- bump
- elongate
- engorged
- enlarge
- enlargement
- expansion
- extension
- oak
- puff up
- regenerate
- scalability
- scalable
- scaleable
- shoot
- stretch