informal(alsoco-ords)/ˈkəʊ.ɔːdz/us/ˈkoʊ.ɔːrdz/short forcoordinates: apairofnumbersand/orlettersthat show theexactpositionof apointon amap,graphorimage
坐标( coordinates 的简略说法)
You canzoomin to these coords.你可以把这些坐标放大来看。
Can you give us theGoogleEarthco-ords for thefarmin the firstphoto?你能在第一张照片中给我们提供农场在谷歌地球上的坐标吗?
- I recalculated the coords every 100metres.
- There is anexcellentmuseumthere. Sorry I can't give you the co-ords.
- Izoomedin on thishouse, "marked" it, thensavedthe co-ords as a "kmz"file.
short forcoordinates:clothes,especiallyfor women, that are made inmatchingcoloursorstylesso that they can beworntogether
(女式)可相搭配的服饰( coordinates 的简略说法)
This season'skeytrendis co-ords:matchingtwo-piecesets inprintorplain.这一季的主要趋势是穿戴相搭配的服饰: 搭配两件套的印花或无花衣物。
- There's nothing moresatisfyingthan amatchingset, so we've come up with the moststylishco-ords to have youfeelingfabulous.
- Thisspringwe'relovingcoords, such as thisyellowcheckmini-skirt andshirt.