inbusiness,completecontrolof something, whichpreventsotherpeopleorcompanieshaving anyshareorinfluence:
垄断化Theirnationbecamewealthyduetoavoidingthe monopolization oftheireconomy.他们的国家在经济上避免了垄断化,从而变得富裕。
There areworriesabout thepotentialmonopolization of thedomesticmarket.有人担心国内市场有可能被垄断化。
- Excessive monopolization andcentralizationofcapitalcanproducestagnation.
- Thesematerialsandtechnologieslendthemselves toeasymonopolization.
- Thesecontractsallowadistricttoswitchbrandsregularlytoavoidmonopolization of themarket.
Mergers & acquisitions
- absorb
- acquihire
- acquire
- acquisition
- acquisitive
- amalgamation
- buyout
- conglomerate
- counterattack
- denationalization
- denationalize
- fire sale
- growth-oriented
- hive
- hostile
- oligopoly
- parent
- parent company
- partnership
- spinsomethingoff
monopolizationnoun[U](OF CONVERSATION, ETC.)
controlof something such as aconversationor someone'sattention, forexamplebytalkinga lot or bystoppingotherpeoplebeinginvolved:
对…的霸占/独占;对…的完全控制There areruleson the messageboard topreventthe monopolization of thediscussionby a fewindividuals.留言板上有规则来阻止少数人完全控制话题的讨论。
- Theydiscussedtheleadershipqualitiesofmalesand the monopolization ofpowerbymales.
- We mustresistmonopolization of thedebateby "experts".
- theproblemof monopolization of the teacher'sattentionbyparticularstudents
Controlling and being in charge
- aggrandize
- assume
- assumption
- authoritative
- authoritatively
- commanding
- dictate
- guiding principle
- harness
- have (got)someoneby the short and curliesidiom
- havesomeoneby the ballsidiom
- havesomeoneeating out ofyourhandidiom
- helm
- override
- police
- policing
- possess
- power play
- predominate
- skipper