biologyspecialized(alsocotransfer)uk/ˌkəʊˈtræns.fɜːr/us/ˌkoʊˈtræns.fɝː/theactofmovingone or morecells,genes(=partsof theDNAin acell),embryos(= anunbornanimalorhumanat a very earlystageofdevelopment), etc. from oneplaceto another at the sametime:
There is also ariskfor co-transfer of otherresistanceorvirulencegenes.
- Ingeneral, co-transfer of plasmids in vivoproceededat the sameratesas invitro.
- Co-transfer of several carbapenemasegeneswith otherresistancedeterminantswasobserved.
- After co-transfer of twofertilizedembryoswith 30 parthenogeneticembryos, twohealthypigletsweredelivered.
- adenine
- allele
- anaphase
- biohacker
- biohacking
- biotech
- gene amplification
- genotype
- homologous
- homologue
- homozygote
- hybridization
- hybridize
- paternal
- rRNA
- segregate
- segregation
- sequence
- sex chromosome
- transgenic
biologyspecialized(alsocotransfer)uk/ˌkəʊ.trænsˈfɜːr/us/ˌkoʊ.trænsˈfɝː/tomovemore than onecell,gene(=partof theDNAofcells),embryo(=unbornanimalorhumanat a very earlystageofdevelopment), etc. from oneplaceto another at the sametime:
Thesecellswere cotransferred with allogeneicbonemarrowintomice.
- Theremaining64reconstructedblastocysts and 124 Kunming blastocysts were co-transferred into 11recipients.
- All 16donorswith a 62 MDa plasmid co-transferred this plasmid.
- Thecompletepatternofresistancetodrugsexcept Na and Rf was conjugally co-transferred to E.coli.
- adenine
- allele
- anaphase
- biohacker
- biohacking
- biotech
- gene amplification
- genotype
- homologous
- homologue
- homozygote
- hybridization
- hybridize
- paternal
- rRNA
- segregate
- segregation
- sequence
- sex chromosome
- transgenic